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Показы: 5792 | Отзывы: 0 Добавил MAXAGENT, Вчера, 10:34
Vigil: The Longest Night (2020) Пиратка
Vigil: The Longest Night (2020) Пиратка

Vigil: The Longest Night (2020) Пиратка
Год выпуска: 14 октября 2020 г.
Жанр: Экшены, Инди, Ролевые игры
Разработчик: Glass Heart Games
Издательство: Another Indie
Платформа: PC
Версия игры: v.0130 (Build 17170677) от 30 января 2025 г.
Тип издания: Пиратка
Язык интерфейса: Русский / Английский / MULTI9
Язык озвучки: Не требуется
Таблетка: Вшита (RUNE)

Vigil: The Longest Night (2020) Пиратка
Операционная система: Windows 7 / 8.1 / 10 / 11 (64-бит)
Процессор: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.8 Ггц
Оперативная память: 2 Гб
Видеокарта: DirectX 10 совместимая, поддержка шейдеров 3.0
Свободное место на жестком диске: 3 Гб

Vigil: The Longest Night (2020) Пиратка
Vigil: The Longest Night — это 2D-платформер с боевой составляющей, требующей точности действий и хороших навыков, и сильным сюжетом. Черпая вдохновение в Salt and Sanctuary и Castlevania, игра Vigil: The Longest Night стремится бросить игрокам вызов своей сложностью и одновременно завлечь их историей, полной зловещих ужасов. Пройдите вместе с Лейлой путь к спасению ее родного городка от надвигающегося зла, поразившего окрестные селения. Исследуйте мир, мечущийся меж сном и реальностью, здравым смыслом и безумием, и раскройте тайну самой длинной ночи и чудовищных существ, вторгающихся в этот мир.

Vigil: The Longest Night (2020) Пиратка

Vigil: The Longest Night (2020) Пиратка Vigil: The Longest Night (2020) Пиратка Vigil: The Longest Night (2020) Пиратка

Vigil: The Longest Night (2020) Пиратка

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Загрузил: MAXAGENT (13 февраля 2025 10:33) Статус: Проверено (MAXAGENT)
Управление: [обновить]
Взяли: 7 | Размер: 3.53 GB
Последняя активность: не наблюдалась
Раздают: 1894 Качают: 545 Скачали: 1279
Vigil - The Longest Night (2020) (894 файла)
Cracks (2 файла)
rar Crack [RUNE].rar (414.28 kB)
rar Manifests.rar (149.86 kB)
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file militia_spear (661.50 kB)
file miner.manifest (1.34 kB)
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file minerhammer.manifest (1.35 kB)
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file minerpickaxe.manifest (1.50 kB)
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file miner (856.57 kB)
file minetumor.manifest (1.35 kB)
file minetumor (6.47 MB)
file miniona.manifest (1.46 kB)
file miniona (832.20 kB)
file moth.manifest (1.42 kB)
file mothpoison.manifest (1.43 kB)
file mothpoison (317.85 kB)
file moth (193.75 kB)
file mousenest.manifest (1.43 kB)
file mousenest (557.72 kB)
file mudtentacle.manifest (1.35 kB)
file mudtentacle (138.65 kB)
file mudwomen.manifest (1.43 kB)
file mudwomen (438.81 kB)
file naildog.manifest (1.43 kB)
file naildog (225.30 kB)
file nest.manifest (1.42 kB)
file nest (149.90 kB)
file noaxtao.manifest (1.26 kB)
file noaxtao (196.15 kB)
file nun_leila.manifest (1.26 kB)
file nun_leila (370.32 kB)
file ogre.manifest (1.42 kB)
file ogre (691.31 kB)
file painter.manifest (1.26 kB)
file painter (212.55 kB)
file plaguedoctor.manifest (1.43 kB)
file plaguedoctorboss.manifest (1.44 kB)
file plaguedoctorboss (978.50 kB)
file plaguedoctor (977.88 kB)
file princess.manifest (1.34 kB)
file princess (2.03 MB)
file redbat.manifest (1.37 kB)
file redbat (326.86 kB)
file redcrawlingskeleton.manifest (1.44 kB)
file redcrawlingskeleton (218.15 kB)
file reddeathbat.manifest (1.34 kB)
file reddeathbat (362.37 kB)
file redskeletonbow.manifest (1.34 kB)
file redskeletonbow (175.65 kB)
file redskeletonshield.manifest (1.44 kB)
file redskeletonshield (264.94 kB)
file redskeletonsword.manifest (1.44 kB)
file redskeletonsword (265.19 kB)
file redsparrow.manifest (928 b)
file redsparrow (7.36 MB)
file rubfoot.manifest (1.26 kB)
file rubfoot (184.24 kB)
file saltwaterfishman.manifest (1.43 kB)
file saltwaterfishman (796.70 kB)
file sbelievera.manifest (1.26 kB)
file sbelievera (180.53 kB)
file sbelieverb.manifest (1.26 kB)
file sbelieverb (144.25 kB)
file sbelieverc.manifest (1.35 kB)
file sbelieverc (147.03 kB)
file shadow.manifest (1.35 kB)
file shadowlightening.manifest (1.27 kB)
file shadowlightening (704.07 kB)
file shadowskull.manifest (1.34 kB)
file shadowskull (343.86 kB)
file shadow (82.29 kB)
file siren.manifest (1.42 kB)
file siren (346.15 kB)
file skeletonbow.manifest (1.34 kB)
file skeletonbow (388.55 kB)
file skeletonshield.manifest (1.43 kB)
file skeletonshield (390.29 kB)
file skeletonsword.manifest (1.43 kB)
file skeletonsword (390.50 kB)
file skillmaster.manifest (1.27 kB)
file skillmaster (264.64 kB)
file skull.manifest (1.50 kB)
file skull (939.65 kB)
file slime.manifest (1.34 kB)
file slime (207.72 kB)
file smallspider.manifest (1.34 kB)
file smallspider (710.95 kB)
file smalltoad.manifest (1.35 kB)
file smalltoad (274.21 kB)
file snakeman.manifest (1.43 kB)
file snakeman (488.01 kB)
file snowball.manifest (1.43 kB)
file snowball (122.34 kB)
file soldiers.manifest (1.26 kB)
file soldiers (528.12 kB)
file spider.manifest (1.43 kB)
file spidercocoon.manifest (1.34 kB)
file spidercocoon (354.02 kB)
file spiderhard.manifest (1.43 kB)
file spiderhard (1.65 MB)
file spider (672.95 kB)
file squidcrab.manifest (1.43 kB)
file squidcrab (289.87 kB)
file stingbug.manifest (1.26 kB)
file stingbug (354.72 kB)
file swordmaster.manifest (1.27 kB)
file swordmaster (773.76 kB)
file tadpole.manifest (774 b)
file tadpole (243.06 kB)
file tangerine.manifest (1.26 kB)
file tangerine (368.39 kB)
file tentacleman.manifest (1.43 kB)
file tentacleman (1.85 MB)
file theforgotten.manifest (1.27 kB)
file theforgotten (371.95 kB)
file thekeeper.manifest (1.59 kB)
file thekeeper (3.07 MB)
file thetomba.manifest (1.35 kB)
file thetomba (3.66 MB)
file thetombb.manifest (1.26 kB)
file thetombb (3.66 MB)
file thief.manifest (1.26 kB)
file thief (558.36 kB)
file thornwolf.manifest (1.35 kB)
file thornwolf (354.95 kB)
file ticker.manifest (1.46 kB)
file ticker (294.93 kB)
file toad.manifest (1.46 kB)
file toadbody.manifest (1.26 kB)
file toadbody (105.09 kB)
file toadcannon.manifest (1.35 kB)
file toadcannon (80.32 kB)
file toadegg.manifest (852 b)
file toadeggs.manifest (1.26 kB)
file toadeggs (67.00 kB)
file toadegg (185.98 kB)
file toadinside.manifest (1.34 kB)
file toadinside (882.21 kB)
file toadmouth1.manifest (1.26 kB)
file toadmouth1 (242.32 kB)
file toadmouth2.manifest (1.26 kB)
file toadmouth2 (80.67 kB)
file toadmouth3.manifest (1.26 kB)
file toadmouth3 (105.84 kB)
file toadmouth4.manifest (1.34 kB)
file toadmouth4 (528.19 kB)
file toad (3.56 MB)
file trapman.manifest (1.34 kB)
file trapman (829.17 kB)
file treenodules.manifest (1.34 kB)
file treenodules (354.43 kB)
file twigmantis.manifest (1.35 kB)
file twigmantis (394.48 kB)
file umbrella.manifest (1.26 kB)
file umbrella (672.17 kB)
file vicecaptain.manifest (1.26 kB)
file vicecaptain (392.49 kB)
file villager03.manifest (1.26 kB)
file villager03_l.manifest (1.36 kB)
file villager03_l (236.40 kB)
file villager03 (236.34 kB)
file villager04.manifest (1.26 kB)
file villager04 (112.66 kB)
file villager05.manifest (1.26 kB)
file villager05_l.manifest (1.36 kB)
file villager05_l (182.05 kB)
file villager05 (181.97 kB)
file villager06.manifest (1.26 kB)
file villager06 (109.27 kB)
file whitepawcat.manifest (1.35 kB)
file whitepawcat (354.85 kB)
file wuguorung.manifest (1.26 kB)
file wuguorung (210.85 kB)
file xiezongting.manifest (1.26 kB)
file xiezongting (245.00 kB)
file xujinghao.manifest (1.26 kB)
file xujinghao (133.22 kB)
file yachen.manifest (1.26 kB)
file yachen (352.04 kB)
file yangweiren.manifest (1.26 kB)
file yangweiren (292.47 kB)
file yellowbeliever.manifest (1.43 kB)
file yellowbeliever (328.05 kB)
file yellowwitch.manifest (1.43 kB)
file yellowwitch (299.75 kB)
file youchengyu.manifest (1.26 kB)
file youchengyu (105.63 kB)
file zhengyuxuan.manifest (1.27 kB)
file zhengyuxuan (123.92 kB)
file zombieball.manifest (1.34 kB)
file zombieball (697.65 kB)
Stage (254 файла)
file Stage.manifest (175 b)
file Stage (1.53 kB)
file a_part_map.manifest (745 b)
file a_part_map (2.89 kB)
file b_part_map 1.manifest (753 b)
file b_part_map 1 (2.86 kB)
file b_part_map 2.manifest (753 b)
file b_part_map 2 (2.84 kB)
file br00.manifest (2.76 kB)
file br00d.manifest (2.99 kB)
file br00d (18.99 MB)
file br00 (28.20 MB)
file ch00.manifest (2.25 kB)
file ch00d.manifest (2.37 kB)
file ch00d (10.21 MB)
file ch00r01.manifest (1.88 kB)
file ch00r01d.manifest (1.90 kB)
file ch00r01d (8.25 MB)
file ch00r01 (4.65 MB)
file ch00 (10.66 MB)
file ch01-1.manifest (2.35 kB)
file ch01-1 (12.06 MB)
file ch01-2.manifest (1.83 kB)
file ch01-2 (6.59 MB)
file ch01.manifest (2.38 kB)
file ch01 (10.23 MB)
file ch02-1.manifest (1.61 kB)
file ch02-1 (9.79 MB)
file ch02-2.manifest (1.47 kB)
file ch02-2 (2.46 MB)
file ch02.manifest (2.43 kB)
file ch02 (12.27 MB)
file cv00.manifest (1.89 kB)
file cv00d.manifest (2.09 kB)
file cv00d (11.57 MB)
file cv00 (11.02 MB)
file cv01-1.manifest (1.90 kB)
file cv01-1d.manifest (2.75 kB)
file cv01-1d (4.81 MB)
file cv01-1 (4.64 MB)
file cv01.manifest (2.63 kB)
file cv01d.manifest (2.90 kB)
file cv01d (11.14 MB)
file cv01 (10.34 MB)
file cv02.manifest (1.78 kB)
file cv02 (7.81 MB)
file cv03.manifest (1.78 kB)
file cv03 (5.48 MB)
file dlc-01.manifest (1.63 kB)
file dlc-01 (4.80 MB)
file dlc-02.manifest (2.40 kB)
file dlc-02 (19.37 MB)
file es01.manifest (1.99 kB)
file es01 (798.61 kB)
file f00.manifest (3.85 kB)
file f00 (35.61 MB)
file f01.manifest (2.66 kB)
file f01 (21.73 MB)
file f02.manifest (2.90 kB)
file f02 (21.95 MB)
file fl00 r01.manifest (2.35 kB)
file fl00 r01 (6.59 MB)
file fl00 r02.manifest (1.71 kB)
file fl00 r02 (4.01 MB)
file fl00 r03.manifest (1.84 kB)
file fl00 r03 (5.72 MB)
file fl00 r04.manifest (2.38 kB)
file fl00 r04 (7.60 MB)
file fl00 r05.manifest (2.44 kB)
file fl00 r05 (9.25 MB)
file fl00 r06.manifest (2.37 kB)
file fl00 r06 (7.49 MB)
file fl00 r07.manifest (1.89 kB)
file fl00 r07 (5.10 MB)
file fl00 r08.manifest (2.16 kB)
file fl00 r08 (10.27 MB)
file fl00 r09.manifest (2.24 kB)
file fl00 r09 (7.65 MB)
file fl00 r10.manifest (2.17 kB)
file fl00 r10 (5.60 MB)
file fl00.manifest (2.99 kB)
file fl00 (32.89 MB)
file ft00re.manifest (2.97 kB)
file ft00red.manifest (2.57 kB)
file ft00red (10.30 MB)
file ft00re (11.11 MB)
file ft01.manifest (2.29 kB)
file ft01d.manifest (2.38 kB)
file ft01d (10.45 MB)
file ft01 (16.59 MB)
file ft02.manifest (2.27 kB)
file ft02 (35.41 MB)
file ft03 r01.manifest (1.88 kB)
file ft03 r01 (8.41 MB)
file ft03 r02.manifest (1.66 kB)
file ft03 r02 (4.29 MB)
file ft03 r03.manifest (1.64 kB)
file ft03 r03 (3.88 MB)
file ft03 r04.manifest (1.99 kB)
file ft03 r04 (8.02 MB)
file ft03 r05.manifest (1.62 kB)
file ft03 r05 (3.21 MB)
file ft03 r06.manifest (1.67 kB)
file ft03 r06 (4.39 MB)
file ft03 r07.manifest (2.31 kB)
file ft03 r07 (8.37 MB)
file ft03.manifest (2.77 kB)
file ft03 (19.05 MB)
file fv01.manifest (2.73 kB)
file fv01d.manifest (2.61 kB)
file fv01d (12.65 MB)
file fv01 (20.85 MB)
file fvr01.manifest (1.31 kB)
file fvr01d.manifest (1.32 kB)
file fvr01d (2.58 MB)
file fvr01 (1.48 MB)
file fvr02.manifest (1.46 kB)
file fvr02 (2.14 MB)
file gm.manifest (1.92 kB)
file gmd.manifest (1.90 kB)
file gmd (2.64 MB)
file gm (2.53 MB)
file gs.manifest (1.99 kB)
file gsd.manifest (1.83 kB)
file gsd (1.93 MB)
file gs (2.44 MB)
file gt00.manifest (2.08 kB)
file gt00d.manifest (2.13 kB)
file gt00d (15.38 MB)
file gt00 (8.28 MB)
file gv00.manifest (2.67 kB)
file gv00d.manifest (2.69 kB)
file gv00d (13.98 MB)
file gv00 (17.91 MB)
file h00d.manifest (1.29 kB)
file h00d (2.23 MB)
file hc01.manifest (1.18 kB)
file hc01 (1.42 MB)
file hc02.manifest (1.18 kB)
file hc02 (1.43 MB)
file hc03.manifest (1.18 kB)
file hc03 (2.79 MB)
file hc04.manifest (1.18 kB)
file hc04 (1.90 MB)
file hc05.manifest (1.18 kB)
file hc05 (2.41 MB)
file inn-a.manifest (1.77 kB)
file inn-a (3.04 MB)
file inn-b.manifest (1.22 kB)
file inn-b (958.05 kB)
file inn-c.manifest (1.57 kB)
file inn-c (906.22 kB)
file inn00.manifest (2.33 kB)
file inn00d.manifest (1.58 kB)
file inn00d (1.50 MB)
file inn00 (4.62 MB)
file l00.manifest (2.55 kB)
file l00 (27.18 MB)
file m00.manifest (1.72 kB)
file m00 (15.26 MB)
file m02.manifest (2.49 kB)
file m02 (16.75 MB)
file mn00-1.manifest (2.91 kB)
file mn00-1a.manifest (1.59 kB)
file mn00-1a (2.24 MB)
file mn00-1b.manifest (1.11 kB)
file mn00-1b (1.38 MB)
file mn00-1 (9.39 MB)
file mn00.manifest (2.42 kB)
file mn00 (8.76 MB)
file mn01.manifest (3.36 kB)
file mn01 (22.84 MB)
file ph00re.manifest (1.89 kB)
file ph00re (3.66 MB)
file rstest1.manifest (1.22 kB)
file rstest1 (417.22 kB)
file sh00.manifest (1.66 kB)
file sh00 (2.93 MB)
file sw01.manifest (2.37 kB)
file sw01 (6.22 MB)
file sw02.manifest (2.88 kB)
file sw02 (15.53 MB)
file sw03.manifest (2.50 kB)
file sw03 (23.31 MB)
file t00.manifest (2.11 kB)
file t00 (6.25 MB)
file t01.manifest (2.14 kB)
file t01 (15.23 MB)
file testenemy.manifest (1.68 kB)
file testenemy (436.87 kB)
file testroom.manifest (2.17 kB)
file testroom (6.40 MB)
file teststage00.manifest (2.02 kB)
file teststage00 (5.25 MB)
file teststage01.manifest (2.09 kB)
file teststage01 (5.03 MB)
file teststage02.manifest (2.09 kB)
file teststage02 (5.02 MB)
file teststage03.manifest (2.09 kB)
file teststage03 (5.01 MB)
file teststage04.manifest (2.09 kB)
file teststage04 (5.02 MB)
file teststage05.manifest (2.09 kB)
file teststage05 (5.02 MB)
file teststage06.manifest (2.09 kB)
file teststage06 (5.02 MB)
file teststage07.manifest (2.09 kB)
file teststage07 (5.03 MB)
file teststage08.manifest (2.09 kB)
file teststage08 (5.02 MB)
file teststage09.manifest (2.09 kB)
file teststage09 (5.02 MB)
file teststage10.manifest (2.09 kB)
file teststage10 (5.02 MB)
file uch-a.manifest (2.77 kB)
file uch-a (9.50 MB)
file uch-b.manifest (2.60 kB)
file uch-b (11.78 MB)
file uch-c.manifest (1.91 kB)
file uch-c (4.23 MB)
file ugv00-1.manifest (2.28 kB)
file ugv00-1 (12.21 MB)
file ugv00-2.manifest (2.66 kB)
file ugv00-2 (12.12 MB)
file ugv00-3.manifest (2.66 kB)
file ugv00-3 (22.72 MB)
file ugv00-4.manifest (1.68 kB)
file ugv00-4 (8.63 MB)
file ugv00-5.manifest (2.07 kB)
file ugv00-5 (20.75 MB)
file ugv00.manifest (3.01 kB)
file ugv00d.manifest (2.21 kB)
file ugv00d (13.54 MB)
file ugv00 (31.07 MB)
file v1re.manifest (2.88 kB)
file v1red.manifest (2.35 kB)
file v1redr01.manifest (1.87 kB)
file v1redr01 (6.60 MB)
file v1redr02.manifest (1.32 kB)
file v1redr02 (2.10 MB)
file v1red (21.08 MB)
file v1rer01.manifest (2.30 kB)
file v1rer01 (10.08 MB)
file v1rer02.manifest (1.74 kB)
file v1rer02 (2.70 MB)
file v1rer03d.manifest (1.67 kB)
file v1rer03d (2.00 MB)
file v1re (28.64 MB)
file wc01.manifest (2.05 kB)
file wc01 (15.24 MB)
file ws00.manifest (2.40 kB)
file ws00d.manifest (1.91 kB)
file ws00d (13.56 MB)
file ws00 (8.50 MB)
file PC.manifest (176 b)
file PC (1.53 kB)
file char_effect.manifest (43.38 kB)
file char_effect (62.94 MB)
file effect.manifest (71.17 kB)
file effect (113.67 MB)
file equipments.manifest (22.92 kB)
file equipments (48.01 MB)
file itemicon.manifest (43.71 kB)
file itemicon (18.57 MB)
file music_full.manifest (1.84 kB)
file music_full (144.34 MB)
file music_mini.manifest (517 b)
file music_mini (5.27 MB)
file obj.manifest (9.98 kB)
file obj (25.58 MB)
file sound_full.manifest (646.16 kB)
file sound_full (295.80 MB)
file sound_mini.manifest (3.22 kB)
file sound_mini (1.34 MB)
file ui_full.manifest (7.34 kB)
file ui_full (71.27 MB)
file ui_mini.manifest (13.92 kB)
file ui_mini (20.79 MB)
file End_2.mp4 (139.15 MB)
file End_2_linux.webm (44.96 MB)
file End_3.mp4 (116.50 MB)
file End_3_linux.webm (31.29 MB)
file End_True.mp4 (141.14 MB)
file End_True_linux.webm (42.38 MB)
file UnityServicesProjectConfiguration.json (1.38 kB)
file opening.mp4 (55.29 MB)
file opening_linux.webm (13.21 MB)
file RuntimeInitializeOnLoads.json (2.52 kB)
file ScriptingAssemblies.json (4.41 kB)
file (16 b)
file boot.config (134 b)
file globalgamemanagers.assets.resS (2.67 MB)
file globalgamemanagers.assets (417.80 kB)
file globalgamemanagers (316.80 kB)
file level0 (9.89 kB)
file resources.assets.resS (138.85 MB)
file resources.assets (10.01 MB)
file sharedassets0.assets.resS (21.86 kB)
file sharedassets0.assets (2.91 MB)
pdf Map of Maye (English+???).pdf (136.72 MB)
txt TwitchDrops.txt (3 b)
exe UnityCrashHandler32.exe (1.32 MB)
file UnityPlayer.dll (23.64 MB)
pdf Vigil Artbook (English Version).pdf (152.24 MB)
pdf Vigil artbook(???).pdf (293.86 MB)
txt ZecZec.txt (3 b)
txt build_time.txt (25 b)
exe vigil.exe (631.50 kB)
txt Game version.txt (77 b)
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