5 февраля 2016г.
Превратите бойцов XCOM в отряд элитных охотников за пришельцами благодаря целому арсеналу нового оружия и снаряжения, которое позволит им дать отпор новой зловещей угрозе: «Правителям» инопланетных захватчиков, готовым преследовать ваших героев в течение всей кампании. В дополнение входит множество вариантов внешности солдат и «Мстителя», а также новая масштабная миссия, в которой старшему офицеру-связисту Брэдфорду предстоит возглавить отряд с небольшой помощью старого друга.
Дополнение посвящено повстанческой борьбе и добавляет более 100 вариантов изменения внешнего вида бойцов XCOM и доступной им брони. Эти опции сугубо косметические и не влияют на характеристики.
• Gameplay
•Fixed an issue where the doom countdown timer was refilling after the Avatar bar filled up
•Repeater no longer triggers after Stock damage or damage done over time
•Mimic Beacons can no longer be reanimated
•Mimic Beacons can no longer be targeted by Aid Protocol
•Zombie Soldiers count towards “Soldiers Dead” counter
•Evac zones can no longer be placed on a soldier
•Fixed an issue where XCOM units were hitching after pod reveals
•Fixed an issue where armor was not resetting properly after restarting the Avenger Defense mission
•Fixed a crash that would occur after opening an ADVENT garage door
•Soldiers equipped with the Hazmat Vest will no longer be affected by Acid Burn when pathing over Acid
•Fixed an issue where loot was not being given to the player after killing an enemy next to a soldier with a hacked turret
•Fixed multiple issues that would occur when a Gatekeeper is killed while affected by Chryssalid poison
•Specialists can no longer receive the Phantom ability through the Advanced Warfare Center
•Fixed an issue where certain AOE attacks could be used when selected while the unit was in movement
•Grenade damage rebalance
- Plasma Grenade Dmg: 5-6 -> 4-5
- Acid Bomb Dmg: 5-6 -> 4-5
- Fire Bomb Dmg: 6-7 -> 5-6
- Gas Bomb Dmg: 5-6 -> 4-5
- Proximity Mine Dmg: 8 -> 6
- Gas Grenade Radius: 5 -> 4
- Gas Bomb Radius: 6 -> 5
- Proximity Mine Radius: 5-> 4
- Volatile Mix Ability no longer grants grenade radius bonus
•MP balance changes (more details below)
•ADVENT and Alien units with weapons have been given range bonuses/penalties
•Fixed an issue where squads would be deleted when saving and editing Loadouts
•Fixed an issue where new squads were not being created upon selecting “Save As New Loadout” in the Edit Loadouts Menu
•Fixed an issue where weapon customizations were not saved when created in the Squad Loadout
•Fixed an issue where the Stun Lancer’s charge attack was causing players to desync
•Fixed an issue where Skulljacked units floated too high in the air
•Fixed an issue where weapons inappropriately remained in the hands of soldiers
•Fixed an issue where grenades were causing environmental damage on their way to the target
•Fixed an issue where XCOM soldiers and Psi-Zombies were able to share the same tile
•Fixed multiple animation issues caused when carrying an unconscious unit
•Fixed an issue where a soldier remained bound by a Viper’s Bind and Crush ability after killing it
•Fixed an issue where explosions would occur early
•Removed a hitch that would occur when building visibility is disabled/enabled
•Fixed an issue causing lighting to appear dark when launching the title on specific AMD setups
•Fixed an issue where the default setting for the Anarchy’s Children slider in the options menu was inconsistent between platforms
•Fixed an issue where enemy weapons would continuously ragdoll after a unit was killed
•Fixed an issue where the Loadout screen music plays after loading a Strategy save mid-mission
•Fixed a crash that would occur when accessing the ADVENT Broadcast Network mission while mods were active on the Geoscape
•Implemented a ‘Select All Mods’ button
•Extended the character length for bios
•Adjusted some prewritten soldier bios
•Fixed an issue where users could access locked customization options
•Fixed an issue where the wrong options were sometimes appearing in the Gameplay tab in the Options menu
•Fixed an issue where tooltips would not show when viewing the Options menu
•Game state classes can now be overridden
•The ‘static’ scope keyword now works with override classes, allowing static functions to be overridden
•The X2DownloadableContentInfo class has been extended to provide many new hooks for events such as mission start/end
•The X2DownloadableContent class can now route ‘exec’ functions (console commands) allowing mods to implement their own cheats
Multiplayer Balance Changes:
HP: 3->4
Aim: 65->70
Flank Crit Chance: 33->40
HP: 12->7
Aim: 75->78
Flank Crit Chance: 33->40
WpnDmg: (6-7)->(3-4)
GrndDmg: (3-4)->(2-3)
Stun Lancer:
HP: 6->7
Aim: 65->70
Mobility: 12->14
Flank Crit Chance: 33->40
HP: 6->8
Aim: 70->75
Flank Crit Chance: 33->40
HP: 7->9
Aim: 75->78
Flank Crit Chance: 33->40
Defense: 0->10
HP: 8->10
Aim: 75->78
Flank Crit Chance: 33->40
Psi Offense: 90->100
WpnDmg: (3-4)->(3-5)
Armor Shred: +1
Cost: 800 -> 1000
HP: 10->14
Aim: 75->80
Regen: 2->4
Mobility 14->15
MeleeDmg: (3-4)->(3-6)
Cost: 1000->800
HP: 8->10
Aim: 75->78
Flank Crit Chance: 33->40
WpnDmg: (3-5)->(4-5)
Armor Shred: +1
Cost: 1500->1200
HP: 8->10
Armor: 1->2
Flank Crit Chance: 33->40
Teleport now has 1 turn cooldown
Clone now only triggers off of enemy attacks
Armor Shred: +1
HP: 18->20
Aim: 75->80
Can now travel 2 moves before using Devastating Blow
Aim: 75->78
Flank Crit Chance: 33->40
Cost: 1750->2000
Blazing Pinions now has 3 turn cooldown
Armor Shred: +1
Aim: 75->80
Burrow now has a 2 turn cooldown, cooldown starts on unborrow.
Cost: 1250->1200
Flank Crit Chance: 33->40
Cost: 6000->8000
Cost: 5000->6000
Armor Shred: +1
Spawned Units:
Psi Zombie:
HP: 6->8
Aim: 65->75
Can now travel 2 moves before using melee attack
Andromedon Robot:
Can now travel 2 moves before using Fist Strike
Phantom Ranger:
Removed Conceal ability, still starts out match concealed
Cost: 3000 -> 3200
Blademaster Ranger:
Conventional Sword->Arc Blade
Cost: 2500->2800
Sniper Sharpshooter:
Gunslinger Sharpshooter:
Cost: 2500->3000
Heavy Gunner Grenadier:
Cost: 2500->3200
Demo Expert Grenadier:
Cost: 2500->3200
Battlefield Medic Specialist:
Cost: 3000 -> 2800
Combat Hacker Specialist:
Aid Protocol defense now same as Battlefield Medic
Cost: 3000 -> 3200
Psi Operative:
Mind Control cooldown increased from 3 to 5
Cost: 250 -> 200
Battle Scanner:
Cost: 600 -> 400
Tracer Rounds:
Cost: 300 -> 100
Cost: 400 -> 200
Stasis Vest:
Cost: 600 -> 400
Hazmat Vest:
Cost: 300 -> 100
Smoke Grenade:
1. Установить DLC из папки DLC (запустив
2. Скопировать содержимое папки CODEX в папку с установленной игрой с заменой.
3. Играть.