--За основу взята Лицензия от Акелла--
* аудио качество 100%
* видео качество 100%
* эксклюзивный установщик
* установка дополнительного Soft'a (DirectX, Visual C++)
* все пути реестра сохранены
* запуск игры через ярлык на десктопе или через меню пуск
* для установки необходимо 512 Мб ОЗУ
* примерное время установки 1 минут(а,ы)
* v 0.30.5
* v 0.42.0
* FiX №1
* v 0.43.5
* v 0.44.3
* v 0.44.4
* v 0.45.2
* v 0.47.4
* v 0.47.5
* v 0.48.2
* v 0.51.2
* v 1.0.3
* v 1.0.5
* v 1.0.8
* v 1.0.9
* v 1.0.14
* v 1.0.16
* v 1.0.17
* v 1.0.18
* v 1.0.19
* v 1.0.25
* v 1.0.26
* v 1.0.27
* v 1.0.29
* v 1.0.38
* v 1.0.45
* v 1.0.46
* v 1.0.49
* v 1.0.60
* v 1.0.61
* v 1.0.65
* v 1.0.66
* v 1.0.67
* Admiral Edition
* Emperor Special Edition
* игровые архивы не тронуты
* за основу взята лицензионная копия игры от Акелла, обновлённая в Steam от 04.06.2013
* все языки кроме Русского, Английского - интерфейс и Английского - озвучка, видеоролики не воспроизводимые игрой
Автор Repack'a:
* Fenixx
* Modified the galaxy generation (wormholes are less frequent).
* Modified the pathfinding algorithm. You can override the algorithm by holding the left shift key and right-clicking on the system(s) you want. If you have the warp drive technology, ctrl + right-click on a system will force a free movement to the selected system. Warp/wormhole movement displays blue dots. Free movement displays green dots.
* Modified the tax rate formula.
* Modified the hire cost of the heroes (depending on the number of heroes you already have hired)
* Modified a AI ship design template.
* Added the multiplayer.
* Added the French language.
* Fixed several bugs concerning the galaxy generation.
* When more than one other faction is stationed in a system (regardless of the fleets quantity), the player is now able to select which one he wants to attack.
* Modified the star systems labels in the galaxy view. You can now see the current production, the hangar capacity and the link between resources and planets.
* The user can now access a system hangar from the galaxy screen if there is no fleet in orbit.
* Added a chat console. "Return" key is now used for chat in multiplayer. Numpad-Enter does still end turn though.
* The player can open the Pause Menu by using ESC.
* There is no anomaly for the planets of a home system (except for the anomalies generated by a faction trait).
* When the user selects any action on a system in the empire management the system is highlighted.
* Added some population feedback on planets in the system/planet view.
* Diplomacy should be smoother due to a fix on the trends now being capped.
* The attitude value has a greater impact on the terms negotiation.
* The player is able to offer resources along with peace.
* Modified the cease fire term.
* Cooperation agreement now takes 30 turns to become a full bonus:
- Turn 0: malus (-50% to trade routes).
- After 15 turns: no malus/bonus.
- After 30 turns: bonus (+25% to trade routes).
* Fixed several bugs concerning the pathfinding.
* Fixed an issue where the moving fleet always tries to use up all the movement points.
* The user can select a specific route for a fleet to take when moving:
- You can now queue movement orders by pressing and holding down SHIFT.
- You can now force a fleet to move through empty space by holding down CTRL.
- If you wish to queue movement and travel through empty space press and hold CTRL+SHIFT.
* Modified the economic victory formula:
* Economic victory points needed = 500000 + 5000 * (number of systems) - 40000 * (number of players).
* Added the Amoeba, Sower and Pilgrims factions.
* Cloning trait has been boosted and now Horatios will have +1 food on all planets.
* Deadly Weapons decreased for Hissho, increased for Cravers. Hissho still have the best bonus.
* Fixed Cloning trait bonus that gave bonuses to all planets instead of planets up to Class II (Arid, Tundra).
* Changed Amoeba diplomacy bonus so they can't have war bonuses.
* Modified the Cravers diplomacy tech tree.
* Removed Cravers' "Alien Security" and changed their "Xenolinguistics" (only ceasefire exchange choices).
* Tuned down the science rate from the Sophons.
* Changed all invasion mods' values (increased) and some effects.
* Now Ground defense is displayed as: "+X Defense per [pop] on System".
* Base Ground defense value is now defined by the system's position compared to player and opponent frontiers:
- Inside player or ally frontiers: 20 Def.
- Neutral (isolated Outpost): 15 Def.
- Outpost inside enemy frontiers: 12 Def.
* Greatly improved Defense bonuses on improvements (5 to 20 => 12 to 100).
* Updated Ground Defense bonuses from Melee attribute (+2 => +5, +5%).
* The hero hiring cost now changes according to number of heroes already in service.
* Changed the value of Minister of Propaganda 1 & 2. We don't want players to be able to nullify overpopulation maluses too soon; on a Hero it could become available after 30/40 turns.
* AI personalities have been reinforced to better fit their faction.
* The AI is aware of the neutral zones.
* Less weapon and defense mod bonuses for the AI on Normal to Impossible difficulties.
* Improved the military AI: colony ship protection behavior.
* Changed negotiations method for the AI for treaties and exchanges.
* The AI will now give a much greater attention to colonization techs if no system can be colonized by his colony ships.
* The AI will more likely start by making planetary improvements first on a new system (and that building will be Food or Industry).
* Removed the bonus on all planets on "Sustainable Farms" (StarSystemImprovementFood1).
* Switched "Epigenetic Crop Seeding" (Food 2) with "Wasteless Supply Chain" (Food 5).
* Lowered dust bonus on "Automated Investment Intelligence" (StarSystemImprovementMoney5).
* Merged the Diplomacy Bonuses 3 and 4.
* Corrected the MP values of the second-to-last weapon mod of each type; corrected MP values of defense mods.
* Added 4 technological unlocks into the exploration & expansion tech tree.
* Trade route brings in more Science and less Dust.
* Corporate Trade routes bonuses (% and Wit multiplier) decreased.
* Increased disapproval due to overcolonization.
* Increased Dust malus for systems outside frontiers (depending on territory : player/ally/neutral/enemy).
* Slight increase of overpopulation disapproval.
* Added "overcolonization disapproval reduction" on Star System Approval buildings.
* There were no maluses to Food and Science during blockade. Just added them: -25% food; no Science (x0).
* Monopoly bonuses for the strategic resources have been temporarily removed.
* Reverted to bonuses without overcolonization malus decrease; those effects have been moved to new tech unlocks.
* No Overcolonization disapproval on Outposts. It will be added only when changing to colony.
* Removed the achievement score on the end game screen.
* Added ship level feedback on ship icons.
* Improved the scroll bar system.
* Modified the tutorial system.
* Removed some useless scrollbars.
* Modified the fleet/system selection panel when assigning a hero.
* Fixed an issue where upon reaching level 11, ships lose all their XP.
* Fixed an issue where the "Emergency Shelter" battle action causes a crash.
* Fixed an issue where an assert message appears when the user attempts to transfer ships from the hangar.
* Fixed an issue where a fleet can be invisible.
* Fixed an issue where a null reference exception appears after an invasion.
* Fixed several issues where sending gifts to the AI has no effect.
* Fixed an issue where the user receives an assert message if they Right Click during the loading screen.
* Fixed an issue where the empire management AI has an infinite loop of terraforming.
* Fixed an issue where changing the quality level will cause an assert.
* Fixed an issue where the game will not continue after ending the turn.
* Fixed an issue where starting a manual ship battle will cause an assert.
* Fixed an issue where conquering an empire home system causes an assert.
* Fixed an issue where the user can increase science and dust income indefinitely.
* Fixed an issue with the scrollbar of the selected modules panel in the ship design screen.
* Fixed an issue where the player cannot scroll through the reject reasons in the diplomatic negotiations screen.
* Fixed an issue where the user can close the resolution timer using the right click.
* Fixed an issue where left-clicking on the slider button causes it to disappear.
* Fixed an issue where the treaty options can be displayed twice.
* Fixed an issue where the planetary improvements are not scrapped when there is not enough dust.
* Fixed an issue where the fleet icon remains after the budget scrap is performed.
* Fixed an issue where not enough empire slots are created by the galaxy generator (too many players/galaxy size).
* Fixed an issue where the number of ships stationed in a hangar is not properly displayed on the system info tooltip.
* Fixed an issue where the galaxy scale slider overlaps with the fleet selection panel.
* Fixed an issue where AI trends per turn have no limits making the AIs seem very volatile.
* Fixed an issue where ships remain stuck if the player/AI moves them in the same time when another player/AI attacks them.
* Fixed an issue where a 4-digits value overlaps the FIDS icon in the system view screen.
* Fixed an issue where the end game screen text is incorrect after the player's elimination.
* Fixed several issues where a cooperation agreement doesn't work as intended.
* Fixed an issue where Dust donations lead to incorrect gains of attitude.
* Fixed an issue where the empire management filters will reset after the player exits the empire management view.
* Fixed an issue where the user can have diplomatic deals with other empires without being at peace.
* Fixed an issue where the invasion button is not available.
* Fixed several inconsistencies between battle card texts and hero ability descriptions (beam surge, gravity well, armor weak point, dust barrier).
* Fixed an issue where the heroes' Melee attribute has no effects.
* Fixed an issue where the nano-repair systems battle card has twice its effect.
* Fixed an issue where after an empire has been eliminated the user can still offer diplomatic terms to that empire.
* Fixed an issue where "Invulnerable Empire" is prioritized for the empire management AI.
* Fixed an issue where the planetary colonization is not canceled if the planet is colonized via the colonization ship.
* Fixed an issue where the defenders ship are warping-in at the start of the battle.
* Fixed an issue where a defeated empire retains some ships in its hangars.
* Fixed an issue where the AI moves out of the systems guarded by player fleets when loading a saved game.
* Fixed an issue where the modules do not grey out in the ship design view.
* Fixed an issue where the user can retrofit ships with Seed ship modules to rush expansion or increase population.
* Fixed an issue where the user can assign heroes to fleets engaged in battle from the academy view.
* Fixed an issue where the "Psychological Insulation" star system improvement does not grant an additional 1 population.
* Fixed an issue where sometimes clicking on ships in the galaxy view does not produce any results.
* Fixed an issue where sometimes diplomatic offers are neither accepted nor rejected by the AI.
* Fixed an issue where no tooltip is displayed for Call and Inspect buttons on diplomatic status screen.
* Fixed an issue where the first digit of the galaxy generation seed cannot be erased.
* Fixed an issue where the confirmation message received after disabling tutorials in-game has no cancel button.
* Fixed an issue where the in-game droplist from the options menu has the same color as the background.
* Fixed an issue where the system view menu becomes unresponsive.
* Fixed an issue where on the lowest resolution setting the user is unable to select pilgrims and amoeba on the last player slot in the lobby.
* Fixed several text issues.
* Added some optimizations on low configurations.
* Increased the range of the lobby.
* Display of the online games depends of the ES version.
* Fixed several issues of MP synchronization.
* Fixed an issue where loading a saved game causes the heroes of the clients to be swapped with other heroes.
* Fixed an issue where the "Friends'Games" filter is not working properly on the online games screen.
* Fixed an issue where the private session is displayed on the online games screen.
* Fixed an issue where the default session is displayed on the online games screen.
* Fixed an issue where the user can click on the chat window in the lobby and type messages.
* Fixed several text issues.
* As long as a player is invading a system, he will continue to invade whether there are enemy fleets in the system or not (the defender will have to destroy the invading fleet or make them flee to stop the invasion).
* Reduced the malus "Distance with Empire".
* Reduced the rate of pirate appearance and postponed slightly for pirate appearance.
* Home systems are now with no less than 3 planets and can't have terran, jungle and ocean planets on top of the home planet.
* The AI will make trade buildings only when they can improve the system's dust gain.
* Modification of the VSync option, with 3 levels. 0 = no Vsync. 1 = synchronized to the monitor refresh rate. 2 = synchronized every 2 frames of refresh, so at half the refresh rate of your monitor.
* Strategic resources will spawn at least one deposit for each type. The GalaxySettings.xml file contains the size of this first minimal deposit, which is under design consideration. Monopoly is not guaranteed, but presence in the galaxy is.
* Luxury resources should now only spawn if the generator can allocate enough for a monopoly.
* Fixed an issue where the game will freeze when declaring war on a player/breaking a deal.
* Fixed an issue where a system remains in blockade without opponent fleet.
* Fixed an issue where the terraformation of a planet causes an assert.
* Fixed an issue where drag a population from an uncolonized planet is possible in the star system view.
* Fixed an issue where the player will always have 1 dust.
* Fixed an issue where Players can go into a negative value with resources.
* Fixed an issue where the players cannot select their color in the lobby.
* Fixed an issue when several players try to connect simultaneously to a lobby.
* Fixed an issue where the values displayed in the dust production tooltip will not fit the designated area when a 5 digits number is displayed.
* Fixed an issue where if the steam user has a long name it will exit most text boxes in the game.
* Fixed an issue where wrong message is displayed when attempting to join a session.
* Fixed an issue where wrong message is displayed when two players select the same slot.
* Fixed an issue where the drag & drop of population doesn't work.
* Galaxy Generation : Blue sun has hotter stars, protostar has cooler stars. Other weights were slightly changed to better reflect their star type.
* Added new attitude modifiers (DiplomaticAttitudeModifierMilitaryPowerRespect, DiplomaticAttitudeModifierMilitaryPowerPity, DiplomaticAttitudeModifierMilitaryPowerWeaknessStr ess, DiplomaticAttitudeModifierMilitaryPowerTense).
* Information buildings' maluses are mostly diplomatic rather than economic.
* The Cravers' bonuses to FIDS lasts too long (it hasn't been changed since max number of turns in a game was changed from 500 to 300).
* UE : Dust bonus. The % bonus was too long to start and to give a Dust advantage to the UE. As Dust is their main trait, we want them to earn more Dust than the others, even at the beginning (+30% => +1 per pop on each planet).
* Pilgrim : Hero reduction cost. The hero XP bonus trait allows heroes to start at level 2 or level 3 (=> -4 upkeep on heroes).
* Modified the Pirates difficulty.
* Modified the missile display in battle mode.
* When listing the sessions in the Join Game screen, take into account locked AIs for the current players.
* Fixed an issue where random events last all the game.
* Fixed an issue where blockade stops the local use of ressources.
* Fixed an issue where when joining a session as a client, the user does not receive any hero notification updates.
* Fixed an issue where neither do tutorials or star tooltips explain the benefits of different stars.
* Fixed an issue where loading a saved game causes the heroes of the clients to be swapped with other heroes.
* Fixed an issue where players receive no warning message when changing a MP session to a SP one.
* Fixed several text issues.
* Added the German language.
* The private multiplayer is now functional.
* Added a frame rate slider in the graphic game options.
* Added GFX for several anomalies (WIP).
* Some anomalies are better suited for certain planet types.
* Buyout cost divided by 2.
* Decreased the upkeep costs for fleets and buildings.
* Added a custom diplomatic attitude modifier.
* Improved the AI management of its tax rate.
* Improved the AI process of colonization.
* Fixed several issues of MP synchronization.
* Fixed an issue where Pilgrims loose massive population when arriving in a new system.
* Fixed an issue where Sophon home system can start with one single planet.
* Fixed an issue where resources and other relevant information does not properly update after a hero assigned/unassigned to a positon.
* Fixed an issue where the number of current deals is not updated correctly after the user brakes a deal.
* Fixed an issue where the progress bar for an Auto space battle is not functional.
* Fixed an issue where diplomatic deals will not be displayed properly when a client loads a MP saved game.
* Fixed an issue where the "Stealth Construction" star system improvement is not functional.
* Fixed several text issues.
* Fixed an issue with the camera/skybox in the battle view.
* Added a Steam option to launch the game in safe mode (should fix several CTD issues).
* Added a "Perform planned move" button.
* Added the "Retreat" battle card (WIP - available for a new game only).
* Modified the "Death before Dishonor" Hissho faction trait (WIP).
* Removed the lock icon for the blockade.
* Added a shield icon for the fleet using the guard action.
* During a cold war, there should have blockade only on outposts. Blockade on a colony requires to be at war.
* Diplomatic Victory : increased diplomatic points gain and target. Players can achieve diplomatic victory earlier with more alliances; cold war will give less points.
* Decreased the bonuses of "Happy" and "Ecstatic" approval statuses (+20% / +35% to FIS => +10% / +25% to FIS).
* All game difficulties have been made 1 step easier, with "Newbie" giving no bonuses to AI, "Easy" giving only small bonuses. "Impossible" gives up to 80% bonuses instead of 100%.
* Added GFX for several anomalies (Metallic Waters, Hadopelagic Life, Coral Reefs, Antonov Rings, Huygens Rings).
* Added a moon survey feedback on the planet/system view:
- no glow : moon is not explored.
- red glow : presence of a temple.
- blue glow : no temple.
* Fixed several MP issues of synchronization.
* Fixed an issue where trading systems does not work properly.
* Fixed several text issues.
* Removed the safe mode launch option. You can use the Steam launch options instead (right-click on "Endless Space" in the Steam library, "Properties", "Set Launch Options...") : EndlessSpace.exe -nologo -single-instance
* Added an alert notification of invasion.
* Added an auto-end turn timer option.
* Added a random faction option.
* The hero upkeep cost depends on the amount of ability points spent.
* Added an indicator at the top of the screen when one or more controls keys are currently held.
* Scrapping a colony ship kills no longer the settlers on board. The population is transferred to a planet, when possible (otherwise, the population is lost).
* The monopoly of strategic resource is renamed in "strategic resource abundance" and is triggered for a total deposit size of 4.
* Added the effect of strategic resource abundance.
* Created a new category of battle cards: "Unblockable". Retreat battle card added to this category.
* When a system is conquered by a player, the default AI assigned to the system is set to "none".
* The victory building takes longer to build (industry cost increased), its science cost is decreased.
* Difficulty balancing : decreased Dust bonuses; increased damage and building bonuses; added buyout bonuses.
* UE : Removed Anomaly on starting planet, added 10% Dust Gain, added industry bonus kicks in at 25% tax.
* UE : Increased the Dust bonus on Tax Rate (linear up to 50%, slows down after => great bonus first, slows down to 50%, linear after).
* UE : Industry bonus on Tax Rate starts earlier (Tax: 50% -->100%, Ind: 0% -->50% => Tax: 25% -->100%, Ind: 0% -->60%).
* Hissho: Added Affinity: 20% FIDS bonus for successful invasion instead of 10%.
* Hissho : Added a positive anomaly to home world (Huygens rings).
* Amoeba: Removed Merchants, removed Stellar Guardians.
* Cravers: Removed Optimal structures, removed Deadly weapons.
* Horatio: Added stellar guardian level 2, added Crowded Planets lvl 1.
* Sowers: Added -20 % science, removed Optimal defense, removed crowded planets + 1.
* Pilgrims: Removed fearless warriors.
* Decreased the Sower Ind to Food Conversion (50% -> 40%).
* Decreased the Ind to Dust Conversion (50% -> 25%).
* Decreased the Ind to Science Conversion (50% -> 25%).
* Added GFX for several anomalies (Polar Tempests, Acid Rain, Aurora Waves, Permanent Monsoon, Ice 10, EM radiation, Ancients artefacts, Dust ruins, Microfactories, Meteor Strike).
* Changed the default cursor.
* Added cyrillic characters in the fonts.
* Removed joystick GetAxis for Galaxy motion.
* Fixed an issue where the Retreat battle card raises a NullReferenceException when it is applied on a fleet with destroyed ships.
* Fixed an issue where the user can substantially increase population on a system.
* Fixed an issue where the game will crash when populating a planet.
* Fixed several MP issues of desynchronization.
* Fixed an issue where a clone has an incorrect upkeep cost.
* Fixed an issue where the trade interface uses the opposing empire resource tooltips.
* Fixed an issue where loading a saved game will cause the birthrate tooltip to display debug text.
* Fixed an issue where the injury percent on a hero is not properly displayed when inspected at 0%.
* Fixed an issue where the AI can offer fractional values when trading dust.
* Fixed an issue where not all game events explain their effects to the user.
* Fixed an issue where deleting the local content will not remove all files.
* Fixed an issue where the "Target frame rate" slider starts at 0.
* Fixed an issue where failing to connect to a MP session causes an assert.
* Fixed an issue where an outpost inside the empire's frontiers has a loss due to the "distance from empire".
* Fixed an issue where receiving a technology currently researched will cause the number of turns required to change to 0.
* Fixed an issue where the guard system button is available for a fleet that has no military power.
* Fixed an issue where, if the user has a negative value of dust, but a positive income, the game will constantly increase his tax rate to 100%.
* Fixed an issue where the chat window background is not visible the first time it is opened.
* Fixed an issue where the end of the turn timer value does not specify the time unit used.
* Fixed an issue where the system AI will remain stuck and will stop building improvements.
* Fixed an issue where the user is able to rename enemy's fleets.
* Fixed an issue where an user can acquire the same resources twice in one trade.
* Fixed an issue where the player can obtain technologies for which he has not acquired prerequisits with the help of a random event.
* Fixed an issue where all users are able to switch the faction after loading a saved game.
* Fixed an issue where AI does not merge its fleet before to attack.
* Fixed several text issues.
* Fixed several localized text issues.
* Changed the save file system. The previous files are not compatible.
* Added the custom faction screen.
* Added a free camera mode in the battle view:
- Arrow keys: move the view.
- Mouse wheel: changes the camera field of view (angle).
- Mouse right click + pan: rotates the camera view.
- Ctrl: sticks / unsticks the camera on your fleet.
* You can continue to play after a victory condition is achieved.
* Added a state to the player, to know if he's in a battle or not.
* Added an animatic for each faction, which will be displayed for a new game.
* Added narrative & random events illustrations.
* Changed the illustration for the selection of "Random Faction".
* Changed the Pirates 3D fleet icon.
* Added several outgame scenes, which will be displayed randomly.
* All technologies have a dedicated icon.
* Added 5 new music.
* Added new GUI sounds.
* Added an ES soundtrack directory (in the Steam install directory of Endless Space on your computer).
* Added the ES credits.
* Texture, video, memory & AI optimization.
* Added one new difficulty mode - Endless.
* Food consumption by population will vary with game speed.
* Heroes will not be injured when retreating. Changed the 'Death before dishonor' faction trait.
* Ship levels increase HP, DamageMin, DamageMax, InterceptionAccuracy, DeflectionPerTurn and Absorption.
* Changed the ship leveling, which now requires more XP (6 to 45 -> 4 to 100).
* Decreased the defense mods' cost (3 to 75 -> 2 to 58).
* Decreased the defense mods' weight (7 to 20 -> 5 to 16).
* Antimissile and Shield mods are now more powerful than their Weapon counterpart.
* Deflectors bonuses were only slightly increased.
* Halved Defense MP (8 to 210 -> 4 to 125) but not their efficiency in general.
* Defense MP is less effective during invasions than weapons.
* Added an extra bonus on the armor mods (25 to 304 -> 25 to 220+12%).
* Modified the Bluecap mold monopoly bonus (Dust -> Approval).
* Reduced the difficulty of diplomatic victory ( 1000 + 10*(players)*(planets) -> 2000 + 15*(players)*(planets) ).
* Decreases the malus of the random event "SUPERNOVA DISRUPTS NAVIGATION MAPS" (-80% -> -30%).
* When playing sower, the player knows the actual FIDS of a planet before colonizing it.
* Decreased the Alliance bonus multiplier (Alliance : * 2 -> Alliance : * 1,6).
* Fixed an issue where the leech hero ability will not stop upon conquering the star system.
* Fixed an issue where an assert is received when a system is conquered by the AI and the user is in System view on the same system.
* [MP] Fixed an issue where assert is received when joining an in-progress session.
* [MP] Fixed an issue where opening the war notification as host will cause an assert.
* Fixed an issue where pressing ESC after quitting a game will cause an assert.
* Fixed an issue where the game crashes 100% after loading a specific save game.
* Fixed an issue where loading a saved game from another Steam account causes an assert.
* Fixed several text issues.
* Fixed several localized text issues.
* Fixed an issue where the browsing arrows become unresponsive in planet view in a 2 planet system.
* Fixed an issue where the moon orbiting a planet will not adjust size properly in planet view.
* Fixed an issue where the heal button is not functional on the Assign to system screen.
* Fixed an issue where a graphical corruption can be seen when entering the star system.
* Fixed an issue where the Permanent Perennials star system improvement is not working.
* Fixed an issue where the resolution will not change to 1600x900 when in windowed mode.
* Fixed an issue where the user will have the buyout option active for a ship that cannot be completed normally (strategic prerequisite or obsolete ship design).
* Fixed an issue where the amount of military power is displayed using decimals on the battle report.
* [MP] Fixed an issue where ships are displayed as being in hangar on other player`s system.
* Fixed an issue where the name of the empire is not replaced in the current deals with button.
* Fixed an issue where cease fire are not spread to allies.
* Fixed an issue where the initial starting population decreases right after the first turn at slow game speed.
* Fixed an issue where disband/create fleet does not refresh movement points.
* Fixed an issue where the race names are seen in the language of the other player.
* Fixed an issue where the Hissho Affinity tool tip is not updated.
* Fixed an issue where the United Empire Affinity tool tip is not updated.
* Fixed an issue where the "Industry to Science" conversion tool tip is not updated.
* Fixed an issue where the user is able to select guard action on an enemy`s fleet.
* Fixed an issue where technologies do not affect the deal approval.
* Fixed an issue where actual faction names were not updated in the Diplomatic Negotiations Screen when choosing random factions.
*Added collisions to graphic FX to stop them from going through ships.
*Improved graphic FX for the 'Gravity Well' Battle Action.
*Memory optimization. Refer to AmpliMath's post for further details:
- http://forums.amplitude-studios.com/
* Hero bonuses to attack and defense will now be correctly acknowledged through displayed MP on his Fleet.
* Diplomatic balancing (harder mainly for Serious&Endless modes).
* Fixed an issue where negative effects on the AI’s diplomatic attitude were inversed, counter-balancing other parts of that AI.
* Fixed an issue where the Tolerance trait was displaying a wrong value in the system view.
* Fixed an issue where “Random faction” was displayed instead of the faction’s actual name on an invasion notification.
* Fixed an issue where the galaxy would sometimes not be visible when starting a new game.
* Fixed an issue where the user was unable to zoom out at maximum height after playing a few game sessions.
* Fixed an issue where the Horatio Affinity unlocked the Arid Epigenetics technology.
* Fixed an issue where the host remained stuck on the end turn action if a client joined in progress and left the session at the same turn.
* Fixed an issue where the title remained stuck on end turn actions after a manual combat.
* Fixed an issue where the users were not synchronized after a system was invaded and conquered during a multiplayer session.
* Fixed an issue where the round-ups on the tonnage modules were different than the ones on the total tonnage in the ship design view.
* Fixed several text issues.
* Fixed several localized text issues.
* The duration of random events is now displayed in the game event panel.
* Removed the "% of colonized systems" constraint from the expansion victory requirements.
* Each effect of "Retreat" and "Offensive retreat" battle actions now lasts +1 round.
* Improved AI reaction with Difficulty.
* The Endless Hero (Corporate/Adventurer)is now more balanced fleet/system-wise.
* Memory optimization.
* Added a new portrait for the Sheredyn (Emperor Edition).
* Fixed an issue where the cancel button in the Faction Editor saved the changes, allowing custom faction exploits.
* Fixed an issue where the Endless Hero never appeared in the Academy (Emperor Edition). The Endless Hero cannot be hired by an AI.
* Fixed an issue where two simultaneous attacks on a third player in the same system crashed the turn ending.
* Fixed an issue where simultaneous game joining crashed the turn ending.
* Fixed an issue where the upkeep for Inorganic Cultivation (Sower) & Intensive Cultivation Logistics (Craver) was positive instead of negative.
* Fixed an issue where the number of players in a session did not take into account locked slots.
* Fixed an issue where all battle cards were played even if the battle ended before the final phase.
* Fixed an issue where battle cards were not effective in a specific case.
* Fixed an issue where a player could only request a value of dust, from another empire, equal or less than his current dust.
* Fixed an issue where hovering over a reduced anomaly displayed the reduce anomaly effect tool tip.
* Fixed an issue where a player could rejoin his own defeated session after receiving the defeat screen.
* Fixed several text issues.
* Fixed several localized text issues.
* Added the G2G vote results concerning the "Anti-Expansionist" Horatio faction trait.
* Fixed an issue where the ship design information will only display the first module of each class.
* Fixed an issue where the random event duration doesn't depend on the game speed.
* Added a new information panel in Battle Mode displaying individual ships with a health bar and their statistics.
* The AI can now retrofit its fleets (no more fleet spamming).
* Added the 'Auto-Explore' fleet action.
* Ships can now retreat through wormholes.
* Added the current effects of cooperation agreements in their tooltip, in the diplomatic screen.
* Added a visual effect on the invasion circle to show how much a player invading a system will gain at the next turn.
* Added an invasion status tooltip in offense & defense, as well as an invasion icon next to the system’s name with the number of turns.
* Changed the condition for starting an invasion (MP>=2.5*Defense -> MP>=Defense).
* Changed the invasion formula (Loss=MP / Defense -> Loss = minLoss+MP /Defense).
* Added a modding screen to load a custom mod.
* Added the loaded mod’s name under the game’s version number on the title screen.
All XML files now read from directory \Endless Space\modding\yourmod (you can directly launch one with "+mod yourmod" in the Steam command line).
* Created a Modding Tutorial available in the Modding forum:
- http://forums.amplitude-studios.com/
* Created two example mods that can be downloaded in the Modding forum:
- http://forums.amplitude-studios.com/
* Changed antimissile and missile evasion values to match other weapons' values when it comes to percent bonuses (hero, ship level…).
* Missiles will now gain evasion % against anti-missiles through Hero offense and Ship leveling.
* Increased the defense effects of the hero abilities and faction traits.
* Decreased both laser and shield efficiencies. Lasers have more chances to hit than other weapons but deal less damage, and shields are more efficient against Lasers than other Defense types against their own Weapon type.
* Added an Economy faction trait which changes initial dust for 1 or 2 points, called “Dust Archeology” (negative effect is “Dust Starved”).
* Changed some faction trait costs.
* Changed the values of the 'Sloppy Sawbones' faction trait (+25% / +50% => +50% / +100%).
* Removed the ‘Isolationists’ faction trait.
* Improved the customization point number for the Pilgrims affinity (60 => 65).
* Reduced the effects of the 'Civil Engineer' hero ability (+25 ind => +15 ind).
* Increased the defense effects of the hero abilities and faction traits.
* Increased default defense per population (Possessed/allied territory: 20 => 40, neutral territory: 15 => 30, enemy territory: 12 => 24)
* Shift+Click in the Tech tree allows you to deselect a tech (and the ones that depend on it).
* Right clicking in the lobby, while being the host, prompts a warning message to avoid inadvertently quitting the session and losing all parameters.
* Added several hero portraits.
* Added the Sheredyn loading screen and the hologram in the Diplomacy view (Emperor Edition).
* The science gained per turn is now displayed in the Empire View.
* Added a “diplomatic” status for dead factions.
* Fixed an issue where an empire was not eliminated after losing all its systems.
* Fixed an issue where game event duration was not modified by game speed.
* Fixed an issue where the user could create Amoeba and Sowers affiliated factions worth 65 points.
* Fixed an issue where the defeat announcement, when continuing a game after a defeat, would pop up several times.
* Fixed an issue where an assert message was received when ending the turn, caused by the auto explore feature.
* Fixed an issue where the “Camouflage” battle card’s sound could be heard several times per round.
* Fixed an issue where the alliance indicator didn’t disappear after the empire’s death.
* Fixed an issue where the resource tooltips continued to inform the player that he possessed a certain resource, even if he no longer had access to it.
* Fixed an issue where the resource terms showed the opposing empires’ tooltip on mouse-over.
* Fixed an issue where removing a negative trait to create a Sophon custom faction removed points from the total.
* Fixed an issue where intercept no longer worked after applying a change to a fleet (like a merge).
* Fixed an issue where the resource tooltips did not acknowledge the reception of a new resource through trade, therefore displaying that this resource had to be researched in order to use a certain tech.
* Fixed an issue where a player could not request more resources than the value requested on the first trade.
* Fixed an issue where the Adaptive Industrial Systems improvement could cause negative food values.
* Fixed an issue where it was still possible to combine Black Thumbs and the Sowers Affinity via a specific manipulation.
* Fixed an issue where custom factions with 'Eternal War' see the Alliance tech unlock.
* Fixed an issue where custom factions with 'Cravers Affinity' but without 'Eternal War' are not able to make alliances.
* Fixed an issue where the Revenge trait could be cumulated after consistenly losing a system to an invader.
* Fixed an issue where an assert message was received while blockading a majority of an empire’s systems.
* Fixed sound issues.
* Fixed several localization issues.
* Fixed several text issues.
* The feature allowing all building queues to auto-upgrade a ship design to the latest available will be in the next patch.
* Added the possibility to add custom textures for modding (for custom faction portraits, custom hero portraits, custom tech icons…).
* Changed the way a planet is chosen when increasing pop, it is now based on the best FIDS and the best growth.
* Added a tooltip for the research income in the empire view.
* Added a resources info panel in the negotiation screen.
* Endless Space release on MAC (see above).
* Fixed an issue where trading caused an assert forcing an exit to desktop.
* Fixed an issue where read only mod files loading failed for readonly.
* Fixed an issue where the “worst status” rule, when creating an Alliance or when inviting a faction, was not enforced. Each faction kept its old status towards factions outside of the Alliance.
* Fixed an issue where the encounter report stayed visible at the end of a manual battle and was impossible to remove.
* Fixed an issue where cease fire was still active after a faction had died, allowing to trade resources with it.
* Removed all references to System.Drawing.dll. Mac users no longer have to install Mono 2.11.3.
* Fixed an issue where the path of the auto save files was incorrect on the Mac version.
* Fixed an issue where the galaxy generation for a new game was significantly slower.
* Fixed an issue where random events were missing.
* Separated the visual affinity from the gameplay affinity. [G2G vote].
* For instance, you can now customize your own faction with the gameplay of the Cravers and the art of the Amoeba.
* Added the "System Population Balancing" in the Galaxy's advanced options. Ranges from "Random" to "Perfect". For "Perfect", constellations with homeworlds now possess the same number of systems (with a maximum difference of 1 system).
* Added a panel for the Empire wide factors in the Empire view.
* Added a disclaimer when entering the Mods section for the first time.
* Changed the faction colors to differentiate the shades of green.
* Added Polish language.
* Added the possibility to load custom 3D models and textures for planet and ship modding.
* Changed the compatibility system of the save files.
* Added the soundtrack directory for Mac users in ~/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/Endless Space/
* Added the Automatons faction with a specific gameplay affinity and properties for specific buildings, according to Panzer, the winner of the faction contest.
* Automatons Affinity:
- At the end of the turn, if there is an overproduction, it's stacked instead of being reported.
- At the beginning of a turn, an interest is applied to the stacked industry, allowing it to increase a bit.
- The stacked industry is capped at 5 * system's industry.
- If the overproduction cannot be stacked, it's conserved for the next turn like the current mechanism.
* When the automatons build improvements & ships, the industry is used in the following order:
- system's industry.
- overproduction.
- stacked industry.
- When a system from the Automatons is invaded, the stacked industry is destroyed, reset to 0 even if the invader is an Automaton.
* Added Automatons unique tech icons.
* Added a gauge bar for the stacked industry of each system in the Empire view.
* Added the stacked industry value on tooltip of each system in the Galaxy view.
* Placed the Automatons' overproduction stack in the Development bar (in System view).
* Added the Automatons' portrait, diplomacy hologram and loading screen. Automatons will use Cravers' ships 3D models.
* Added a trade routes summary panel in the Empire view.
* Added the possibility to directly click on a trade route's origin system in the trade routes panel, to enter this system's view.
* Added a trade routes panel link on the System view.
* Added several tooltips for the trade routes panel.
* Added several AIPrerequisites from the community mod (by Ail, Grubsnik and Davea), globally improving AI when building star system improvements.
* Improved the tax rate management for the AI.
* Improved the formula that computes the response given by an AI to an alliance request.
* Changed the formula for trading a technology with the AI. Before, the price was related to the most wanted technology, now, it is related to the most expensive technology available.
* Added arrows to switch from a hero to another in the Inspection view.
* Added arrows to switch from a hero to another in the Academy.
* When recruiting a hero, he is now automatically selected in the active tab.
* Added an "Accept" button when assigning new abilities to a hero and the possibility to click on a selected ability to remove it before validating the final choice.
* Added empty slots to show how many heroes can still be recruited in the Academy.
* Added a tooltip to heroes' attributes to show what effect they have.
* Added a visual hero identifier in the Academy, to determine if a hero is in a system, a fleet or unassigned.
* Updated the alliance management system.
* When offering a treaty with someone outside of an alliance, a request is sent to allies. They can now either:
- Accept the treaty.
- Decide to leave the alliance.
* Added a tendency panel for diplomatic negotiations. Shows how an ally AI will likely respond to a treaty you offer to someone outside the alliance. Human players will always respond "Undecided".
* Changed the upkeep formula (cost 1 per CP --> cost 0.4*CP max per CP).
* Reduced the deflectors' evolution in stats, they were too efficient in late game: (3,5,8,11,14,20,25,30,36,45 => 2,4,7,10,13,17,22,27,33,39).
* Increased the hulls' HP to increase the probability to reach the melee phase: (small:300, medium:600,large:1200 => small:450, medium:1200, large:3000).
* Increased the cost of tonnage and repair modules' industry cost as well as modules related to strategic resources (to reward abundance).
* Reduced the Hissho's Bushido (20% on FIDS => 15% on FID).
* Increased the length of the Bushido but without the reset after an invasion (15 turns WITH reset => 45 turns WITHOUT reset after an invasion).
* Changed the Revenge trait's condition of activation (activated whenever a lost system was re-invaded by the player => will only activate during invasion if the lost system was previously owned at 100%).
* Changed the length of the different Cooperation Agreement steps (0/15/30 => 0/10/15).
* Reduced the AI bonus on weapons, defense and buyout to balance the difficulty. AI has been heavily improved and therefore needs less powerful bonuses.
-Balanced armor and repair module regarding the new HP's of the ships-
* Armor flat value:
- Armor 1: 25 => 50.
- Armor 2: 32 => 64.
- Armor 3 & Armor3 Terran: 42 => 84.
- Armor 4: 64 => 128.
- Armor 5: 54 => 108.
- Armor 6: 125 => 250.
- Armor 7: 110 => 220.
- Armor 8: 240 => 480.
- Armor 9: 220 => 440.
* Armor industry cost:
- Armor 1: 3 => 6.
- Armor 2: 12 => 50.
- Armor 3 & Armor 3 Terran:10 => 20.
- Armor 4: 15 => 30.
- Armor 5: 21 => 42.
- Armor 6: 28 => 56.
- Armor 7: 36 => 72.
- Armor 8: 46 => 92.
- Armor 9: 116 => 450.
* Repair flat value:
- Repair 1: 5 => 10.
- Repair 1: 20 => 40.
- Repair 3: 60 => 120.
- Repair 3: 20 => 40.
* Fixed an issue where trying to display the “end of auto explore” alert message after destroying the corresponding fleet provoked a NullReferenceException.
* Fixed an issue where displaying the trade routes panel without trade routes provoked a NullReferenceException.
* Fixed an issue where global random events were not synchronized for all players.
* Fixed an issue where the AI was using obsolete ship template designs.
* Fixed an issue where the AI didn't use tonnage modules, resulting in partially empty ships.
* Fixed an issue where the number of turns, before a peace treaty was made available, was not saved. The peace treaty was then automatically available after loading a game.
* Fixed an issue where the interception module still intercepted attacks even when the defense module had 0 in interception.
* Fixed an issue where the game would hang when loading a game without available ship designs.
* Fixed an issue where Pilgrims' fleet errant wasn't concerned by faction traits that improve ships HP.
* Fixed an issue where the scroll bar would overlap with the resources in the diplomatic negotiations screen.
* Fixed application of approval bonus on improvement using percent.
* Fixed an issue where loading a saved game could remove contracts for many empires.
* Fixed an issue where creating an alliance did not spread the cease fire status across the allied factions.
* Fixed an issue where the beginning of a cease fire wasn't synchronized for all allies.
* Fixed an issue where infinite improvements in the queue could prevent using over production stacking.
* Fixed an issue where after invading a system with infinite improvement buildings, the modifier stayed active until the end of the game.
* Fixed an issue where diplomatic status resolution wasn't correctly done in an alliance vs alliance situation.
* Fixed an issue where the worst diplomatic status wasn't correctly spread when one of the 2 allies didn't know the third empire.
* Fixed an issue where the AI lost use of some of its fleets, leaving them unattended in a system.
* Fixed an issue with the AI parameters (for instance, the result of 3/2 was counted as 1,500 instead of 1.5).
* Fixed an issue related to the Sower's personnality.
* Fixed an issue which caused the AI building nothing in a system.
* Fixed an issue which forbade the AI to build food improvement when its food surplus was negative.
* Fixed several GUI issues.
* Fixed several localization issues.
* Fixed several text issues.
* Fixed an issue where some save files created after 1.0.25 could not be loaded (the user being sent back to the menu).
* Added a backward compatibility system for the pre 1.0.25 save files.
* Changed the balancing of the AI difficulty:
- -50% damage & -40% defense in newbie for the AI.
- -25% damage & -20% defense in easy for the AI.
* Added Optimistic 1 to Sowers.
* Allowed a deficit from the beginning to have a more flexible tax rate management for the AI players.
-Added a waiting period for a change of diplomatic status-
* Game speed: Normal:
- Cold War: you will have to wait 10 turns to change this diplomatic status.
- War: 15 turns.
- Peace: 10 turns.
- Alliance: 15 turns.
* Game speed: Slow:
- => these durations x2.
Game speed: Fast:
- => these durations x0.5.
* Added Italian and Russian languages.
* Repacked the data for the PC version.
* Fixed an issue where the game would hang when loading a game where the AI has no more ships and needs to balance its defense.
* Fixed an issue where a desync could appear when unlocking technologies by a random event.
* Fixed an issue where the game could crash after scraping a population improvement (via the bankruptcy process).
* Fixed an issue where the Wonder Building is never built by the AI.
* Fixed an issue with the Dust icon of the control banner.
* Fixed an issue where the effects of “Intensive Cultivation Logistics” and “Careful Sweeping” were inaccurate.
* Fixed several GUI issues.
* Fixed several localization issues.
* The galaxy generation seed is displayed with the pause menu.
* Added a sentry mode to the available fleet actions.
* Added an auto-cycle button to enable the review of all fleets without orders.
* The battle timer (when choosing a participating mode: auto/manual) is now a game option. By default, the battle timer is disabled for a single player session, and it is enabled for a multiplayer session. [G2G vote].
* Added a new state for the "end turn button" that notifies the player he has pending encounters.
* Refactored the heroes' ability trees.
* If a system improvement will never be relevant for a system, hide it from the improvement picklist (credits: by grubnik).
* Added a victory/defeat picture and extra information to the 'Continue' panel.
* Added a ‘Game Introduction’ option in game options (to introduce the new content of an add-on).
* Updated the tutorial with the new features.
* Added 5 new musics.
* Refactored the game events system:
- The pre 1.0.30 events are compatible.
- Added new event effects.
- Added interactive random events.
- Added a new panel to the Empire Factors panel, which summarizes all the effects of the current random events.
- Added an advanced game option to activate/deactivate the random events generation.
* Added descriptions and pictures to the new random events.
* Added exploration rewards: small random bonuses for the first player to explore a system.
* Some exploration events are now interactive.
* Added a GUI feedback in the galaxy view to identify systems with an exploration reward. The Amoeba players have a slightly different feedback.
* The effects of the exploration events are now displayed in the Empire Factors panel.
-WONDERS [G2G vote]-
* Added natural and endless wonders. The endless wonders can be restored.
* Lowered number of wonders depending on the different size.
* Added GFX for natural and endless wonders.
* Added a GUI feedback in the galaxy view to identify explored systems with a wonder.
* Added more life to the galaxy with the random addition of comets, black holes, pulsars, ...
* Removed the waiting period for the cold war status.
* Added diplomatic answers when the player trades with an AI and when an AI is offering a proposal.
* With the previous diplomatic behavior we could have deadlock involving a permanent cold war state between all the factions.
* Added a new Pilgrim hero.
* Added 4 heroes of new factions (Sheredyn and minor factions).
* Set the Steam regional parameter to ‘Worldwide’ for the multiplayer sessions.
* The game disconnections related to the Steam servers should be less frequent.
* All the multiplayer sessions of a given version are now displayed. You can join a game only if you have the same files/mod as the session's host.
* Removed growth and fleet upkeep bonus for the AI.
* AI for newbie is less aggressive and less militarized.
* Lowered normal Pirates difficulty.
* During a deal, the AI values a resource depending on the number he already owns.
* Reduced the science trade route multiplier from 2 to 0.5.
* Fixed the way AI manages its ship's production so it doesn't fall into bankruptcy anymore.
* Fixed a potential desync in MP when unlocking a technology by a random event.
* Fixed an issue where the random events frequency is not tied to the game speed.
* Fixed an issue where entering planet view after scraping a population improvement causes an assert.
* Fixed an issue where desert planet does not display all life simulation effects.
* Fixed an issue where life simulation effects are not properly displayed on high population planets.
* Fixed an issue where the ships created by events don't have the good amount of HP.
* Fixed an issue where an assert occurred for a same random event for two empires.
* Fixed an issue with the anomaly reduction of the hell gourds.
* Fixed an issue where an exploration event causes a desync in a multiplayer session.
* Fixed an issue where the constructibles were overridden by the modding.
* Fixed an issue where the warning events "no current technology" & "bankrupt next turn" made the battle notifications disappear.
* Fixed an issue where the wrong ship design was queued after an advanced defender exploration event was encountered.
* Fixed an issue where the advanced defender exploration event used the designs based on affinity.
* Fixed some issues of GUI and localization.
* New balance of Factions traits (first pass).
* Added abilities tree pictures for each hero class in "inspect" panel.
* Added Steam cloud management system for saves.
* New game introduction panel.
* Added a new hero from minor faction.
* Added a new natural Wonder with associated FX on planet.
* Some additional texts translated in RUS/POL/ITA/GER.
* Added new Steam achievements including [G2G] Votes:
- Marco Polo with Tentacles / Have a Trade Route with every other system in the galaxy [Nosferatiel].
- Alien and Eve / Colonize a Garden of Eden [groovytadpole].
- Cake / Clone Galdos AI [Adder].
- There's no Place like Home / Terraform a planet to your home planet type [EvilTactician].
- There can only be One / Be the only remaining empire in a game with 8 starting empires [Monthar].
- Cultural Assimilation / Envelop another empire's system in your Influence Area [FreeMarket].
* Added exploration events flag option to remove the visual feedback in the galaxy view.
* Removed exploration and random events making spawn pirates when the "no pirates" options is enabled.
* New pre-battle cards selection system with adapted GUI and report panel [G2G vote].
* AI can use retreat cards now (not allowed to pirates however).
* New weight-balance of battle cards for AI use.
* Added a new option in game options to enable or not the manual battles.
* Players (including host) now forward orders to themselves instead of treating these locally.
* Fixed wrong construction gets canceled/bought out leading to desync.
* Fixed construction UID mismatch leading to desync.
* Fixed fleet's orbit assert.
* Fixed an issue where AI tries to buy out infinite improvements.
* Fixed loading issue to MP session when pressing cancel after "Connecting to server" message appeared.
* Fixed an issue when a client quits a session in progress then he will not be able to rejoin from the server list, since the session will no longer be displayed.
* Fixed an issue where Dust miser and co-opetition corporate hero abilities effects were mixed-up.
* Fixed an issue where debug could be noticed on the battle notification.
* Fixed an issue where the selfish dust bonus of the dust rain event was not displayed in the dust income summary tooltip.
* Fixed an issue where the effects from exploration and random events were not properly applied after reloading a save.
* Fixed some issues of GUI and localization.
* Added some italian localization texts.
* Changed the effect of the Temple of the First Principle to be "+10 def per pop on system".
* Small balance of AI in construction of some buildings.
* Fixed an issue when using the Emergency Shelter battle card in auto-resolution of combat.
* Fixed an issue with Unique Horatio achievement (Galactic Sardines) which was not unlocking itself properly.
* Fixed an issue with 1000 industry achievement (Massively Mass Production) which was not unlocking itself properly.
* Fixed an issue during 2 successive battles when the first encounter destroyed one ship of the fleet but this destruction wasn't properly performed before the begining of the second battle and caused an assert.
* Fixed some text issues.
* Fixed an issue where the cease fire situation was never-ending.
* Fixed an issue and possible exploit concerning contracts management and cancelation.
* Fixed the effect of a lag which enabled the player to unqueue the same unique constructible several times in MP.
* Fixed the effect of a lag which enabled the player to buy more construction than it can afford in MP.
* Fixed an issue where unique planetary improvements from different planets were not correctly handled in construction queue in MP.
* Fixed an issue with the Italian localization where CR were replaced by "_x000D_".
* Fixed some other issues of GUI and localization.
* Fixed the achievement "cultural assimilation" and "there can be only one" to work with custom factions.
* Fixed an issue where heroes assigned to destroyed fleets weren't properly unassigned when loading a saved game.
* Fixed an issue when launching a manual battle including a fleet with some ships that have just been destroyed in a previous battle.
* The tooltip of factions traits that unlock technologies now display the corresponding technology's tooltip rather than a specific one.
* Add notifications when:
- A cease fire has been finished.
- A contract has been canceled because of a lack of resource or dust.
* Boost the weight on Gravitation Manipulation because the AI never researched it, or too late.
* Changed how AI chose battle cards.
* Changed title in battle report to lower misunderstanding on damage calculation.
* Modified the priority on all the other descriptors related to the defense in order to only affect the initial value with the game speed factor.
* Added a speed factor for the hero arrival (25, 50, 75) and the colony conversion (15, 30, 45).
* Changed defense depending on influence zone:
- Neutral: 30 per population -> 10 per population.
- Under enemy: 24 per population -> 5 per population.
* Locust point are now progressing depending on the game speed:
- Slow: x0.5.
- Normal: x1.
- Fast: x2.
* Fixed a bug when joining on the fly was able to cause a desync when an empire had a cloned hero.
* Fixed a bug when the parameters used to compute the population growth weren't properly initialized by remote players that joined on the fly (when playing in fast or slow).
* Fixed a bug when sometimes, by joining on the fly, the star system influence was a source of desync.
* Fixed a bug in the construction queue (multiple unique planetary improvements of the same category).
* Fixed a bug where the battle card retreat (when played by an AI) caused an assert and a desync.
* Updated the way fleets and ships are identified to guarantee each fleet has a unique identifier.
* Revamped game states to improve the synchronization between players.
* Improve simulation calculations sorting to avoid desync when joining on the fly.
* Fixed a game state sync condition that caused the game to freeze under certain circumstances.
* Fixed a copy/paste mistake in fleet merging.
* Added a Hero ID sort in case of Hero Level equality in fleet merging.
* Fixed conversion issues.
* Fixed updating data simulation.
* Fixed initialization of influence zones of home systems.
* Fixed latency issues.
* Fixed GUI that temporary duplicates/instantiates objects.
* Fixed game speed management with game events.
* Fixed an issue where the pool of heroes was deleted on the host side when a player joined on the fly.
* Fixed a desync which occurred when leaving the session after hiring all available academy heroes.
* Fixed an issue where battle cards consuming dust caused an assert (and infinite turn ending) when they were played by the defender.
* Resource exchanges weren't canceled even if the instigator didn't produce the required resources (after a system loss for example).
* Contracts with a cease fire weren't destroyed after the cease fire end.
* Some overlapping and debug texts have been corrected.
* Updated description of Legendary Heroes/Micromanagers faction traits according to effect.
* Corrected a Path bug on Unique Sower Improvement.
* Update battle cards: Nano-repair/adaptive strategy/short circuit/EMP to match descriptions.
* Fixed an issue where interactive events effects could be applied twice when loading the auto save generated just after the appearance of this kind of event.
* Systems with an AI attributed to them will have an empty queue.
* Fixed an issue where the event that adds an anomaly on planets could add many different anomalies on the same planet.
* Fixed an issue where the random values that allow the pirate fleets to spawn were the same each turn.
* Fixed an issue where the list of available heroes could be empty at the beginning of a game (after creating games many times without restarting Endless space).
* Fixed a potential desync occurring when a player just destroyed a pirate fleet which was blockading a system.
* Add-On introduction and illustration.
* Victory warnings alert messages.
* Improved blockade effects: now activated on guard and invasion only.
* New scrapping button for unnecessary improvements on the Empire view.
* Tax rate tooltip in the Empire view.
* Reworked game speed effects:
- Outpost are converted into colony in 15 turns (fast), 30 turns (normal), 45 turns (slow).
- Ownership progresses 2x faster in fast and 2x slower in slow.
- Bushido, revenge and other traits linked to a turn limit are now bind to the game speed.
- Locus point limit is now affected by the game speed.
- Invasion progress is multiplied by 2 in fast and divided by 2 in slow.
- Max Invasion Limit is now 50% in fast and 12% in slow.
* 4 new heroes with their own biography and illustration:
- Pirate.
- Deuyivan.
- Automaton.
- Virtual Endless.
* 1 new Technology:
- Gas Giant Transformation.
* 2 new Buildings:
- Deep Space Facility (G2G).
- High Energy Array.
* 3 new Planet Anomalies:
- Hostile Dust.
- Endless Trouble.
- Humeris Insidentes.
* 4 new random events including stackable/escalating game events:
- Mad Scientist (G2G).
- New Religion (G2G).
- Sleeping War machines (G2G).
- Endless Facility.
* 6 new Exploration Rewards:
- Pool of heroes is refreshed (G2G) reset or replaced.
- Unveil surrounding systems.
- Boost industry or approval (4 rewards).
* Option to allow AI governors to auto-scrap buildings.
* Enhanced hero management.
* Better affinity and faction traits management.
* Fixed an issue with hero commander class skill tree that could lead to misunderstanding.
* Fixed an issue with hero pilot class skill tree that could lead to misunderstanding.
* Changed influence calculation to fix the bad value of the income applied during the first turn.
* Fixed the bug allowing Pirates to retreat.
* Removed the possibility for AI to scrap the Star System Improvement Building for Wonder Victory.
* Fixed the visual bug reported by community about Colonize gaz giant technology invisible with tolerant trait.