* Улучшенная поддержка многоядерных процессоров, улучшенная шейдерная технология.
* Переработанный интерфейс – добавлена статистика уничтоженных боевых единиц и значок информации об отряде.
* Новый интерфейс для многопользовательской игры.
* Усовершенствованный искусственный интеллект.
* Новое графическое воплощение предметов в инвентаре, переработанные модели транспортных средств.
* Улучшенное звуковое оформление, включая возможность использования голосовых команд.
* Поддержка функций Steam: многопользовательская игра, организация сражений, статистика игрока и доски почета, достижения Steam, сохранение в облаке Steam Сloud, голосовой чат, программа защиты от нечестной игры от Valve, приглашение друзей и мастерская Steam.
* Повышение уровня игрока и система рангов.
* Возможность записывать видео во время игры.
* Маршальские знаки отличия для вашей эмблемы в главном меню.
* Уникальное достижение «Маршал».
* Особая иконка для использования в сетевой игре – ваш личный знак отличия, видимый всем участникам многопользовательских сражений.
* Особый элемент пользовательского интерфейса, видимый во время игры и записи матчей.
* Ускоренный набор опыта в сетевой игре на стороне любого государства для получения быстрого доступа к новым войскам.
--За основу взята Лицензия от 1С-СофтКлаб--
* аудио качество 100%
* видео качество 100%
* эксклюзивный установщик
* установка дополнительного Soft'a (DirectX)
* все пути реестра сохранены
* запуск игры через ярлык на десктопе или через меню пуск
* для установки необходимо 512 Мб ОЗУ
* примерное время установки 2 минут(а,ы)
* Deluxe Edition
* v 3.011.1
* v 3.012.1
* v 3.013.1
* v 3.014.1
* v 3.015.1
* v 3.016.1
* v 3.017.1
* v 3.018.1
* v 3.019.1
* v 3.020.1
* v 3.021.1
* v 3.022.1
* v 3.023.1
* v 3.024.1
* v 3.025.1
* v 3.026.1
* v 3.027.1
* v 3.028.2
* v 3.029.2
* v 3.030.2
* v 3.031.0
* v 3.032.0
* игровые архивы не тронуты
* за основу взята лицензионная копия игры от 1C-СофтКлаб, обновлённая в Steam от 21.05.2014
* -----
Автор Repack'a:
* Fenixx
* Added FPS lock (200fps) not affecting multiplayer.
* Changed minimap icons to be properly visible on winter maps.
* Changed player to be muted by default when a multiplayer game starts (until push-to-talk is introduced).
* Fixed healthbar drawing for multiple entities (flashes).
* Fixed timeline access from different threads.
* Fixed render device cleanup sequence.
* Fixed in-game freezing and crashing concurrency issues related to tags.
* Fixed squad member selection panel on the bottom right corner.
* Fixed armor of PzKpfw 4H.
* Added 3v3 Oasis.
* Improved some maps.
* Improved in-game kick functionality.
* Fixed player count on 2v2 Cold Stream that lead to crash.
* Fixed player count on 1v1 Spring that lead to crash.
* Fixed camoflage setting on 1v1 Spring.
* Fixed camera settings on 1v1 Spring.
* Fixed missing or wrong minimaps.
* Fixed player count display in the multiplayer session list.
* Fixed at-infantry not being assigned.
* Fixed double win/loss messages.
* Fixed imposed allied max tank speed that affected player after repair.
* Fixed enemy counter half-tracks issues.
* Fixed small terrain issues.
* Added team switch support when clicking on empty slot.
* Changed borderless window mode to be standard for new profiles.
* Changed silhouettes to be activated by standard for new profiles.
* Fixed graphic glitch on component damage.
* Fixed bugged physics on fast-motion.
* Fixed crash on component damage.
* Fixed crash on massive texmod change.
* Fixed crash on massive texmod change related to archives (most common CTD, dds. error).
* Fixed crash on mesh animation.
* Fixed reference count overflow on resource packs.
* Fixed camoflage setting on 1v1 Spring (again!).
* Changed enemy at-guns tier based on difficulty setting in order to flatten difficulty curve.
* Removed autosaves from mission until fix for crashes/freezes related to them is available.
* Fixed minor map issues including pathing issues.
* Fixed minor mission issues.
* Fixed some redundant autosaves.
* Fixed deferred mesh animation cleanup on scene close.
* Fixed texmods for grass.
* Fixed switch between fullscreen and windowed mode.
* Fixed crash on autosave.
* Removed ranked score and trust icon from session lobby.
* Added autosave again.
* Added Workshop upload exe.
* Added loading bar % information.
* Changed armor of SdKfz 222 to late war.
* Changed armor of SdKfz 223 to late war.
* Fixed that artillery would no longer be able to change stance when firing during movement.
* Fixed artillery aiming exploit bug.
* Fixed damage model of goliath.
* Added loading progress to each player in waiting for players screen.
* Added global chat button to session list.
* Added community button to session list.
* Changed Tiger to be unlocked instead of Panther.
* Improved kick functionality in session lobby.
* Increased price of Panther from 1200 MP to 1350 MP.
* Fixed missing waiting for players during loading.
* Fixed wrong preloading of texmods.
* Fixed an issue with caching of units texmod.
* Fixed pre-loading of damage textures (should reduce lag on explosions).
* Fixed some missing edifices (buildings hiding roof on entrance).
* Changed enemy infantry on final attack.
* Changed 2 minutes of final defense to increase the challenge.
* Changed minor logic changes to certain objectives.
* Fixed final mission clip.
* Fixed many minor issues with the counter of half tracks and their infantry.
* Fixed incorrect use of actor_state advanced variables for tagged infantry.
* Fixed a loophole allowing player to possibly exploit certain situation when captured last flag but not 2nd.
* Added new 3d model for KV-85.
* Changed 50cal and DshK to require both hands (no running possible when using it).
* Changed Fog of War to be less GPU demanding.
* Fixed main menu background.
* Fixed settings of KV-2.
* Fixed a bug that would cause the game to quit on pressing esc without asking.
* Fixed invalid texmod on destroyed vehicles.
* Fixed wrong player profile badge location issue when switching window mods.
* Fixed a bug that AI will not attack enemy infantry when ordered because it tries to aim for certain body parts behind cover.
* Added 1v1 Winter Harbor (allows 1v1 match-making).
* Improved 1v1 Spring (should also fix some crashes).
* Improved optimization of maps.
* Fixed that the game would not proceed if someone crashes/quits/times out during loading.
* Fixed broken player count reduction for maps.
* Improved last flag crewing of unmanned vehicles.
* Improved attack waves on last part of the map.
* Fixed certain user captured vehicles not being moved on the clip switch.
* Fixed certain situation where enemy ai was able to capture old base on last clip.
* Fixed rare case of enemy troops wandering off past player base on last clip.
* Fixed that weapons wouldn't be unholstered by standard when leaving vehicles.
* Attempt to fix broken multiplayer for more than 3v3.
* Added display of different class of weapons to squad icon unit information.
* Added multiplayer logs (stored in your main folder).
* Added display of hot-keys on interface buttons.
* Added different cursors for minimap (adjustable, not adjustable).
* Changed some attack menu positions.
* Changed some use item menu positions.
* Fixed that visible crew would have their weapon in hand.
* Fixed a small issue that sometimes the scroll bar would show up on score table / loading progress window.
* Fixed that you could not select attach button when selecting both gun and carrier.
* Fixed that small cars (kubel, willys, gaz) show attach symbol while they can't attach.
* Fixed spawn points in Combat 1v1 Spring.
* Fixed client performance sending period calculation.
* Fixed that filter icon does not correspond to the current filter on the sessions list screen.
* Fixed that sometimes not all teammembers would count as searching in match-making.
* Fixed that you can select smaller player count than actual players are in the session.
* Fixed small mission script errors.
* Added tip rotation to loading screen.
* Changed update of inventory items search to be more optimized.
* Reduced small arms damage to accomodate faster game pace due to multi-core.
* Fixed wrong standard window mode.
* Added more precise loading progress in MP sessions.
* Changed that chat button/short cut is set to speak to all if no teammembers.
* Fixed that time consumed by delayed operations is not taken in account in netcode.
* Added display of unit pathing (work in progress).
* Added hotkey to attack ground.
* Added hotkey to repair.
* Added hotkey to attach.
* Changed standard key configuration.
* Changed attack menu buttons orientation.
* Changed hot-key display to show [...] if hotkey is too long to display.
* Changed next unit hot-key to select next squad, not single unit.
* Changed direct control to center on unit when active (work in progress).
* Changed center on active unit to be closer to the unit itself.
* Changed in-game recording to use mpeg1 and lower quality settings for HDD effecient recording.
* Improved save game screenshot quality.
* Removed aimed shot button.
* Removed suppressive fire hot-key.
* Removed weapon prepare hot-key.
* Fixed some small errors (black alpha) related to .def and .mtl files of constructions.
* Fixed that updating of tips would happen instantly after starting a mission.
* Fixed enumerator on Pz3 J.
* Fixed some small issues of Pz4 G.
* Fixed some small issues of Pz4 H.
* Fixed tooltip for attach button.
* Fixed crash on cut entity destroy.
* Fixed crash on making screenshots during the splash screen.
* Fixed crash on decal update.
* Fixed freeze on some wrong inventory settings.
* Fixed issues on key configuration.
* Improved 2v2 Urban Garden.
* Improved lag compensation.
* Removed no infantry game setting.
* Fixed nation leaderboard ranking display.
* Fixed that chat would not be set to chat to all if your teammember leaves.
* Added proper environments for defense part.
* Added finalized minimaps.
* Changed some camera triggers.
* Fixed cameras in skirmish to avoid clipping and similar.
* Fixed that player now keeps captured vehicles on clip change.
* Fixed minor logic when checking for players vehicles.
* Fixed the garage roof where at gun stands so that is able to walk off.
* Fixed music script to not create multiple threads of a trigger.
* Added new voice acting for US.
* Added new voice acting for Commonwealth.
* Added map/mission editor executable.
* Added a button in player profile batch to link to Steam game profile.
* Added game interface sounds.
* Added new 3d model for M3A1 (US) half-track.
* Added new 3d model for M5A1 (Commonwealth, Soviet) half-track.
* Added new 3d model for M16.
* Added new 3d model for Hummel.
* Changed waypoints to be better visible especialy on winter maps.
* Changed queued waypoints to display correctly.
* Changed waypoints to support higher resoluted sprites.
* Changed that center on active unit will also change camera according to unit direction.
* Changed that direct control won't use center on active unit (until further changes are done).
* Changed standard profile to use medium texture settings.
* Changed standard profile to use 50% view distance.
* Improved textures of m2 browning.
* Improved new/delete conformance in respect with arrays.
* Removed unconditional expanding of texture size to power of two.
* Fixed excessive memory usage on consecutive matches on different maps.
* Fixed memory leak in land material editor.
* Fixed rare crash on cursor update.
* Fixed squad icons still sometimes change positions on clicking on them.
* Fixed wrong vehicle voice acting loudness.
* Fixed missing/outdated unit icons.
* Fixed scenario camera bug that heightmap polys and objects don't get rendered.
* Added sound if multiplayer match starts.
* Added kick functionality for loading screen.
* Added new variation of maps.
* Added frontlines gamemode.
* Changed net-code minimum FPS to support slower PCs.
* Changed standard bandwidth settings to maximum.
* Improved optimization of 1v1 Spring.
* Reduced player counts until all netcode related issues are solved.
* Fixed that some light tanks used the same call-in group (timer reset).
* Fixed invite functionality does not work if host has different mods activated.
* Fixed kubelwagen camo.
* Added [USA] Bastogne.
* Added [Germany] Seelow Heights.
* Added [Germany] Kharkov.
* Added mission voice acting.
* Fixed minor issues on [USA] Hurtgen Forest.
* Added grenade/dynamite timer display.
* Added warning effect to grenades/dynamite.
* Changed that attach button is selectable during direct-control.
* Changed that change stance button for cannons is selectable during direct-control.
* Changed queued waypoints to differ slightly.
* Changed that some interface action commands are always displayed even if not currently available.
* Removed grenade "trace" effect.
* Optimized Steam cloud data transfer.
* Fixed nickname localization issues.
* Fixed filtering for avatars in the voice chat bar.
* Fixed missing desert camo texture of King Tiger.
* Fixed delay in display of queued waypoints.
* Fixed crash with camera movement during scene destroy.
* Improved Optimization of 2v2 urban garden.
* Changed standard internet traffic setting back to optimal.
* Fixed crash on invite to matchmaking lobby.
* Fixed that session will be removed from list if failed to ping it.
* Improved [Germany] Seelow Heights start unit assign.
* Improved [USA] Bastogne optimization.
* Fixed [Germany] Seelow Heights inventory items.
* Fixed [Germany] Kharkov inventory items.
* Fixed [Germany] Seelow Heights camoflage settings.
* Fixed [USA] Hurtgen Forest chat sound removed except during hint messages on easy.
* Fixed [USA] Hurtgen Forest hint messages only show on easy now.
* Fixed [USA] Hurtgen Forest redundant heal objective fail trigger.
* Fixed [USA] Hurtgen Forest officer talk possible overlap.
* Fixed [USA] Hurtgen Forest truck pathing.
* Fixed [USA] Hurtgen Forest 2nd clip purchase spawn waypoints.
* Fixed [USA] Hurtgen Forest 2nd clip made sure that soldiers in the truck dont jump out before the truck drives into the playable area.
* Fixed [USA] Bastogne chat sound removed except during hint messages on easy.
* Fixed [USA] Bastogne hint messages only show on easy now.
* Fixed [USA] Bastogne corrected skirmish_reinf_bonus sound.
* Fixed [USA] Bastogne crew/sleeping infantry react properly to action around.
* Fixed [USA] Bastogne convoy cars don't drive into convoy tanks back anymore.
* Fixed [USA] Bastogne officer security trigger bugs fixed.
* Added utf-8 back-end support for chat messages.
* Added display of maximum range for attack orders at the cursor.
* Added video memory leaks detection mechanism.
* Changed grenade hint to use timer only (added localization string for modding).
* Fixed mismatched resource and memory deallocation.
* Fixed mgun vehicle attachment accuracy bug (you can now interchange AA mguns of vehicles).
* Fixed memory leak on render device destruction.
* Fixed cleaning up of the actor button's sprite map before render device destroy.
* Fixed crash on scene reload in editor.
* Improved optimization on cold stream.
* Changed the game timer of assault zones, assault zones extreme and day of victory.
* Changed that grenade hint can be deactivated via damage reports setting.
* Improved [USA] Bastogne optimization.
* Changed [USA] Bastogne that in early game regular patrol soldiers may recon area if spot friendly dead body.
* Fixed [USA] Bastogne start player soldiers to stay on hold move mode.
* Added proper localization for English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Russian, Polish.
* Added support for multi-threaded io stream read/write operations.
* Added minidump creation on crashes to enhance debugging.
* Added half size feature to options for bandicam.
* Changed all logs to be stored in own documents.
* Changed queued waypoint color.
* Changed parallel scene render phase to reserve one CPU core for background operations.
* Changed clean and proper implementation of the displayed hot keys for all interface icons.
* Fixed various code erros.
* Fixed morph texture glitch.
* Fixed waypoint queue for long distances.
* Fixed squad movement waypoint queue.
* Fixed mgun visor attachment bug after changing AA mgun.
* Fixed display of some hot-keys.
* Fixed SdKfz251/1 mgun in inventory.
* Fixed crash in waypoint visualizer.
* Fixed crash in waypoint visualizer on loading game with active complex order.
* Fixed crash in editor when moving around "ice_block01".
* Fixed crash when launching game with -safe parameter.
* Fixed crashes related to copying of net message entities.
* Improved some maps slightly.
* Fixed breed preload in MP games.
* Changed [USA] Bastogne arty to be less dangerous on normal than before.
* Improved [USA] Bastogne enemy sniper adjustment.
* Fixed [USA] Bastogne sniper fight logic triggers as they did not work as intended.
* Added Steam Error Reporting API support.
* Changed to use sprint command when ordering unit to throw a grenade.
* Changed that AI will start running from prone position when throwing a grenade and the target is further away than 50m.
* Improved Steam cloud profile save/load.
* Improved savegame screenshots system.
* Removed Steam cloud start-up message.
* Removed redundant difficulty in options menu.
* Fixed soldiers flying out of vehicles with 0 health die afterwards (multiplayer).
* Fixed wrong loading screens.
* Fixed memory corruption on view pyramid update called from multiple threads.
* Fixed redundant log folder creation.
* Fixed the ammo share delay within a squad.
* Fixed that editor interface breaks after hiding interface with shift+alt+ctrl+d.
* Fixed various code issues.
* Fixed crash on page navigation after disconnect.
* Changed payback rate to depend on CP used (effectively reduces payback rate).
* Improved 8v8 sands slightly.
* Improved 8v8 foothills slightly.
* Fixed wrong texmod settings.
* Improved [USA] Bastogne slightly.
* Added new on camera follow bone feature (support of 3rd person camera/controls for editor script, work in progress).
* Improved memory usage for sound buffers.
* Improved KV1 3d model.
* Improved KV2 3d model.
* Improved KV85 3d model.
* Improved Polish localization.
* Reduced change to hull destroy medium, heavy tanks with at-grenades and shaped charges.
* Fixed some issues of Wirbelwind.
* Fixed penetration issues with at-grenades and shaped charges.
* Fixed that narrator speech could not be disabled in audio settings.
* Fixed stage break after pressing cancel in resource sync dialog.
* Fixed cancel ready status refresh timer on exit from loading screen.
* Fixed message steam ref count implementation.
* Fixed crash during loading saved game.
* Fixed crash of steam voice activation during unfreeze or closing scene.
* Fixed crash on joining sessions with desynced mods.
* Fixed crash on executing achievement command with invalid achievement id.
* Fixed crash when processing received net messages.
* Fixed crash on saving screenshots when api call fails.
* Fixed crash on selection.
* Fixed crash in editor with custom or incorrect nation names.
* Fixed crash in editor when trying to select flag_point.
* Added the Soviet Union.
* Added new selection of multiplayer maps.
* Added new selection of singleplayer maps for USA, Germany, Soviet Union 5 of 8 each.
* Fixed at/mg recrew changed from "in range" to "near_than" in first mission.
* Fixed counter infantry(hts) that used to rush player infantry even far away instead of defending in first mission.
* Fixed that final clip defense enemy infantry rarely retreats and instead tries to attack player flag more in first mission.
* Added unique build id for error reports.
* Added global memory stats to memory debug panel.
* Added custom error message on allocation error.
* Added extra information to crash report comments.
* Added out of memory message in release builds.
* Added the option 'minimap' to the ables property (if 'ables minimap' is disabled for an actor under ai control, the actor is not displayed on the minimap).
* Changed collect/examine-cursor to show only if HighlightStuff/HighlightCorpses is enabled.
* Fixed possible incorrect bitmap frame calculation.
* Fixed turret twitch syndrome.
* Fixed some broken sounds.
* Fixed display of inventory on top of the minimap.
* Fixed the no-ammo red warning over a soldier's head now disappear when they are manning a vehicle.
* Fixed share ammo (within a squad) when pressing space (next ammo).
* Fixed crash during session server service shutdown.
* Fixed crash after using app termination hotkey.
* Fixed crash on match-making game exit.
* Fixed crash of chat in lobby.
* Fixed crash on simultaneous image load for the same bitmap from the different threads.
* Fixed crash on weapon stuff view update.
* Fixed crash in editor on deleting texture.
* Fixed crash in multiplayer when AI controlled unit kills player unit.
* Added unit limitations (specific units can only be called in several times per match).
* Increased price of shotgunners from 40 MP to 60 MP.
* Reduced artillery in frontlines for attacker to 2 per match.
* Improved final fine tuning in sniper missions.
* Improved minor adjustment towards better pace of enemy reinforcements in sniper missions.
* Improved fine tuning of variables that control mission progression/enemy reinforcements in sniper missions.
* Improved minor balance change on [Soviet Union] Leningrad starting units in tank missions.
* Improved that player faces much less heavier tanks on easy and normal now in tank missions.
* Improved that 1 of the starting player tanks is higher class on easier difficulties in tank missions.
* Fixed minor issues in introduction missions.
* Fixed minor issues in sniper missions.
* Fixed to ensured any infantry sitting on arriving tanks if jumps off they dont get stuck standing idle in fog in sniper missions.
* Fixed to ensured enemy major reinforcements start coming always once extraction is shown in sniper missions.
* Fixed possible bug where no tanks would spawn in regular enemy waves after wave 4 in tank missions.
* Fixed balance and minor issues in tank missions.
* Fixed issue with enemy counter 1 that it properly scales number of tanks based on difficulty in tank missions.
* Added winter/desert skins to infantry.
* Added new 3d model of SdKfz 222.
* Added new 3d model of SdKfz 223.
* Fixed crash on concurrent write to game log.
* Fixed crash related to CalculateUVTM.
* Fixed crash on game start when cloud profile file is empty.
* Fixed crash in the mm during searching for a game/team.
* Fixed crash in matchmaking after one of players disconnected.
* Fixed crash in eAreaPyramid.
* Fixed rare crash on server shutdown.
* Fixed rare crash when accepting steam session invites.
* Added support of texmods for infantry in multiplayer.
* Added support of texmods for inventory items in multiplayer.
* Added team balance support (teams with less players receive more resources and CP).
* Changed last counter during wave 10 minor change on heroic in tank missions.
* Changed minor money adjustment after 2nd counter and slight drop on heroic in tank missions.
* Improved optimization of maps.
* Improved sevastopol patrol paths in sniper missions.
* Fixed that enemy crew does not retreat during final enemy counter as its their last all out effort in tank missions.
* Fixed sleeping soldiers near armor location not waking up with explosions near them in sniper missions.
* Added functionality to disable squad icons in interface settings options dialog.
* Added in-game players count display in profile badge.
* Added highlight of suitable items in inventory based on selected weapons.
* Improved local minidumps (quoted mod names, extra log reports).
* Fixed that environment map gets broken if you disable them in options.
* Fixed decal sprite bug on vehicles.
* Fixed crash caused by uninitialized pointers.
* Added if filtered show Host [x of x] in session list.
* Added display of activated mods in session screen.
* Changed return to session list on disconnect, kick and out of sync.
* Fixed missing sessions in lobby search.
* Fixed issue in cp balancing.
* Fixed session info dialog tabs refresh issue.
* Fixed buttons position in the session list screen.
* Fixed non-latin names display in LAN chat.
* Fixed cheat issue related to resource balance.
* Added kill counts in savegames.
* Improved any enemy infantry stranded from random traffic vehicles now go back to friendly lines in sniper missions.
* Changed that officer convoy arrival is now based on 2 factors in sniper missions.
* Fixed case where player could take out 1 or more of armor obj tanks and crew would not act alert in sniper. missions.
* Fixed some minor map issues and improved optimization.
* Fixed german half tracks not having m42 enabled.
* Added new winter/desert skins for headgear.
* Added advanced vehicle armor difficulty balance options.
* Added "player" difficulty modifier group.
* Added if unit does not have weapons applied vice versa ammo highlight display (game automatically highlights compatible ammo).
* Improved speculars on human skins.
* Fixed highlight for zenite ammo.
* Fixed crash on locomotive spawn.
* Added the early version of the new multiplayer quant manager.
* Added icon above allied unit that is in direct control by a teammember.
* Added integrated push to talk to steam voice chat.
* Increased price of German Assault Squad from 100 MP to 110 MP.
* Increased CP of snipers from 8 CP to 10 CP.
* Reduced CP of officer from 8 CP to 5 CP.
* Fixed enemy_counter_06 had wrong conditions and thus was never called once player captured 5 flags in stealth skirmish.
* Fixed debrecen and avalanche used to have pz4e which was removed and is now pz3n in stealth skirmish.
* Fixed pz4g had 5 crew from old script(as1) still which resulted in invisible crew on top, removed 1 in stealth skirmish.
* Fixed various small issues.
* Added the Commonwealth (British, Canadian, ANZAC).
* Added message of the day to main menu.
* Added some new Soviet winter skins.
* Changed move singleplayer/coop completed mission text/box to the center of the screen.
* Changed double click on unit selects all units in view of the camera of the same class.
* Changed info text in singleplayer mission to the top of the screen if not in coop.
* Improved 3d model of KV-1.
* Improved waypoint icons.
* Improved unit direction icons.
* Increased maximum texture size.
* Increased cloud storage from 100mb to 1000mb (thanks Valve).
* Increased health of tier 4 infantry from 300 to 350.
* Reduced stamina of tier 3 infantry from 200 to 150.
* Fixed some wrong skill sets of riflemen.
* Fixed issue with Goliath.
* Fixed skin of Soviet mgunner.
* Fixed "please wait loading..." message box to screen center on editor startup.
* Fixed possible crash with linked entities.
* Fixed gui crash (null ref in manual control icon).
* Fixed crash on scene load with enabled dialog borders display.
* Fixed crash on mods apply.
* Added error handling from steam game server.
* Added corrections in the quant bundle calculation, intended to fix multiplayer lag issues.
* Added new selection of maps.
* Changed cooperative score table to include player scores.
* Removed ping display in ranked games.
* Fixed missing colon in lobby chat ui.
* Fixed oos related to resource balancer.
* Fixed invalid texmod on unit explosion in MP sessions.
* Fixed connection lost dialog not resetting on escape hit.
* Fixed collect unit stats in cooperative games (shows top 3 units in score tab like in pvp).
* Fixed "pause" hint position in the multiplayer interface.
* Added winter/desert skins to missions.
* Changed defense parts to ensure enough action on all difficulties in introductory missions.
* Improved regular pool calls on hard and heroic in tank defense missions.
* Improved pace on last 4 waves in tank defense missions.
* Reduced mission to 8 waves instead of 10, counters occur on 3, 5 and 8 in tank defense missions.
* Reduced MP income, mainly on easy/normal in tank defense missions.
* Fixed heavy tanks are not randomized freely as before and overhaul of enemy tanks incoming per each wave in tank defense missions.
* Fixed enemy counters, attack_wave pool wasnt cleared before counter triggers called their own pool in tank defense missions.
* Fixed waypoint target use in certain situations to ensure all units clone/spawn when called in sniper missions.
* Fixed some of the ai inf special recons ignore using officers cover squad in sniper missions.
* Fixed some namur pathing that allowed enemy inf to enter the lower tracks in sniper missions.
* Added Japan.
* Added new 3d model for Ba-11.
* Added new 3d model for M8 Greyhound.
* Added new 3d model for M20.
* Added digital deluxe content.
* Added additional integrity check for stored steam cloud files.
* Added increased memory usage limits for the game.
* Added advanced logs for improved debugging.
* Changed that scavenging is enabled if inventory screen is open.
* Fixed so that squad icons are not clickable when direct control is active.
* Fixed that double click on unit selects all units in view of the camera of the same class does not work for users with reversed mouse button orders.
* Fixed texmod loading/saving for human entities.
* Fixed profile loading log.
* Fixed that soldiers were revivable after burning.
* Fixed that AI controlled sniper could fire several aimed shots after another.
* Fixed unpacking of UGC.
* Added all Multiplayer maps.
* Added 50 new achievements to track your online career.
* Added slight digital deluxe bonus XP in match-making.
* Added auto join to session after applying mods of previously selected session.
* Added intermediate stage in the scene loading process, intended to avoid a primary game stuck at the beginning of the match.
* Added additional network loop logging.
* Added increased frequency of performance report sends (netcode improvement).
* Added remaining MP on hovering buy button.
* Changed M36 Jackson from Heavy to Medium class.
* Improved all maps so that neutral objects do not show up on minimap.
* Increased price of StuG 3G from 550 MP to 600 MP.
* Increased price of Pz4H from 550 MP to 600 MP.
* Reduced price of M36 Jackson from 1000 MP to 850 MP.
* Reduced price of Comet from 800 MP to 750 MP.
* Reduced price of Firefly from 850 MP to 800 MP.
* Reduced price of M4A3E8 from 800 MP to 700 MP.
* Reduced price of Archer from 700 MP to 600 MP.
* Reduced price of Achilles from 800 MP to 650 MP.
* Reduced price of Chi-Ri from 1400 MP to 1250 MP.
* Reduced price of Chi-To from 900 MP to 800 MP.
* Reduced price of Ho-Ri from 1600 MP to 1500 MP.
* Reduced price of 17pdr from 550 MP to 525 MP.
* Reduced price of Jumbo 76 from 8 SP to 7 SP.
* Reduced CP of M36 Jackson from 30 to 15 CP.
* Reduced start timer of light armored cars with machine-guns from 150 sec to 90 sec.
* Reduced start timer of light armored cars with cannons from 150 sec to 120 sec.
* Fixed squad icon priority in left panel.
* Fixed closing chat dialog after scenario video that was causing the game to exit.
* Fixed terribly long delays until match starts even though game is loaded.
* Added all Skirmish maps
* Improved case when avoiding to capture flag 1 in first skirmish.
* Improved tank recrew for enemy AI in first skirmish.
* Improved tank recrew for enemy AI in tank skirmish.
* Improved tank recrew for enemy AI in sniper skirmish.
* Improved optimization of too many hull damaged but repairable wrecks in tank skirmish.
* Fixed "Behind Enemy Lines" achievement not working in [UK] Husky.
* Fixed icons for bonus call-ins in sniper skirmish.
* Added a delay to video quality reduction process on low performance to prevent crashes.
* Changed default netcode tweaks as per stress tests.
* Removed debugging logs from non-developer builds.
* Fixed crash caused due to formatted news string.
* Fixed formatting of in-game news officialy posted by Valve.
* Fixed loading of shader cache in non-developer builds (fixes the on-going stuttering/freezing during game after each restart!).
* Fixed missing textures for M20 environment object.